Group 2 – Week 14
This week I met up with the group to start getting ready for our presentation on Tuesday. Liv Marte and I started putting some of the pieces together, and we started on the presentation after that. I also got videoes of everyones work and started editing it before posting it on the blogg. Marte Marheim, […]
Auto 21 – Project Video
Connect 4 – Project Video and Pictures
Connect 4 – Week 14 (21.11 – 27.11)
We got a stronger dc dc converter that also can work with 24v input, and it provides 5v with 5 ampere. With this, our rasperry pi powered up stable! A good side effect we found out with researches is that this converter provides short circuit protection, over current and over temperature protection and when the […]
TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 14 (21.11 – 27.11)
Hei bloggen! The 3D print of the arm is finished. There is some minor fixes to the arm that Dag is fixing, so when that is finished, we hope there is nothing more we have to do with the hardware. Then we can just focusing on adding some idead we do have to it. We […]
Sort.it Week: 14 Merging the system together and optimalize
See the video below for a description of our system! – The Sort.it Team (Thank you Liv-Marte for the group pic) Mechanical engineers Optimalizing functions together with computer engineers and Ole. We need the system to function properly before the presentation. Ole is also adding a web-camera to the sort.it. See the figures below for […]
Auto 21- Post 13
this week works started working on connecting all the control unit to breadboard and then connect it all to Arduino, using VGA cable. ^- Mehdi For solve the problem, we made a support and installed a total of three, one for each 120 degree angle. It has a roller function, so it helps to rotate […]
Connect 4 – Week 13 (14.11 – 20.11)
Because the deadline is getting closer and closer, this week’s report is written in a more bullet-point style: We got a MCP3008 adc converter from Zoran. We used following tutorial to get it working https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/how-to-add-light-and-temperature-sensors-to-raspberry-pi-a1e0c7d6d37fIt was tricky getting the right python packages, as the raspi wasn’t connected with internet and we needed to install the […]
Group 2 – Week 13
In the beginning of the semester when I was working on a timeline for this project, I had planned to complete the whole project by the end of week 13. And as it turns out, I was able to finish my part of the project by the end of this week. The only thing that […]