ToyzRgone – week 14 – LAST BLOG 📝
Ruben Henriksen DONE: This is the last blog post so this will recap the whole project from my perspective. In the beginning I knew I wanted to make use of SLS 3d printing since I have access to it through work. I performed some tensile test early on, and I used the results to make […]
ToyzRgone – week 13
Sokaina Cherkane 💻🦾 It’s coughing season🤧🎶But we won’t let that stop us! At the start of the week, I began by soldering a new OpenCM board under Steven’s supervision and with his assistance of course, which was both a valuable learning experience and enjoyable. As shown in the attached picture, the code ran correctly, as […]
ToyzRgone – week 12
Sokaina Cherkane 💻 This week’s plan was to write a new C-code in the Arduino IDE to run directly through OpenCM. The goal was to control the servo motors, making the joints move one at a time, then two at a time, and eventually all three joints simultaneously, including the “hand” (the fourth servo motor). […]
Blog 14 – Moving Targets Inc. Grand Finale!
18.11.2024 – 25.11.2024 “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller Group Summary Dearly beloved, Friday afternoon and there is finally movement, at long last. Vetle finally got the components for the circuit board that controls the stepper motors. This means that once this is wired up, we only […]
Magneto – Week 12
Ulrik – Week 12 This week’s focus has been on the finishing of the chess-robot. I bought perforated metal strapping for the fastening of the machine to the baseplate/foundation. I used wooden screws to fasten the frame, so the chess board won’t move under operation. The software that controls the robot is precise and in […]
ToyzRgone – week 11
Sokaina Cherkane 💻 This week, the primary objective was to test the control system to ensure the code functioned as intended. However, I encountered some challenges along the way, which were eventually resolved. The servo motors in the robotic arm are controlled by the OpenCM9.04 board, which acts as the master controller. The plan was […]
ToyzRgone – Week 10
Welcome back to our 10th ToyzRgone blogpost! Below, you will find the contributions made by each of our team members: Hamsa Hashi 💻 This week, I made significant progress in improving the accuracy of pixel coordinates and object detection using camera calibration and object recognition on the Raspberry Pi. My main focus areas were integrating […]
Gruppe 3 – Blogg 12
Oppsummeringsvideo: Spider Manufacturers (Maskin): Denne uken har Spider Manufactures arbeidet med å ferdigstille CAD-modeller samtidig som vi har produsert noen komponenter og montert disse. I tillegg har Spider Manufactures jobbet med det siste blogginnlegget for å skape en god konklusjon for arbeidet utført i emnet. I løpet av prosjektperioden har vi i Spider Manufactures møtt […]
FussBot Uke 14
Felles Maskin Anders: Helt på tampen av bloggen har jeg modellert og laget en enkel skjerming av stangen som er selvstyrt så denne ikke stikker eller skyver bort i den andre spilleren. 3D printet i PLA og rør er tatt fra metallsøppla fra skolen. Flere bilder av ferdig sammenstilling: Andrea: For å få en oversikt […]
FussBot Uke 13
Maskin Anders: Her er hele bordet modellert. Et problem som egentlig har vært med hele veien og som er et hinder for å få bedre presisjon for hele mekanismen er at hele vogna “steiler” når spilleren enten roteres eller beveges frem og tilbake. Dette bør løses på en bedre måte, men er litt begrenset med […]