Category: TCD

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 14 (21.11 – 27.11)

    Hei bloggen! The 3D print of the arm is finished. There is some minor fixes to the arm that Dag is fixing, so when that is finished, we hope there is nothing more we have to do with the hardware. Then we can just focusing on adding some idead we do have to it. We […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 13 (14.11 – 20.11)

    Hei bloggen! We are still not finished with making the arm in plastic. This is because there are some delays 3D printing it out. We finally connected the wheels and the car movement to the controller, so now we have the arm and the car connected with the controller. We experienced some problems when connected […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 12 (07.11 – 13.11)

    Hei bloggen! We have discussed about making the arm in plastic with 3D printing. This is because with the material we have today the joints are a little shaky and when the arm stand upwards they are bending towards the sides. We also believe that with plastic the arm will be more steady than with […]

  • TCD – Umanned ground vehicle Week 11 (31.10 – 06.11)

    Hei bloggen! We continued working on putting it all together. We do experiencing some issues when wanting to control everything in with the controller. Some of those problems are that when moving the servos, they sometimes live there own lives, and move when noone is touching anything. We will work on finding solutions to this. […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 10 (24.10 – 30.10)

    Hei bloggen! This week we had our computer engineers starting programming the car and the arm. Since we have gotten the controller we are going to use, we can finally start to actually program the car and the arm to be able to steer it from the wireless connection. Now we just need to get […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 9 (17.10 – 23.10)

    Hei bloggen! This week we got our parts for the arm that we needed so we got to finally assemble the arm. We also ordered the PlayStation 2 controller so next week we can hopefully start to connect that to control the arm. We continued working with the car that is supposed to move around. […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 8 (10.10 – 16.10)

    Hei bloggen! In this week we worked to ‘finalize’ a product so we can try it together. For the arm we are just waiting for some parts that was ordered which I believe we will get in the next week. If we get the parts next week, we can assemble the arm fully and see […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 7 (03.10 – 09.10)

    Hei bloggen! This week we were not too effective because there were some illnesses in the group and members that were focusing on different exams they had the same week and the next so we allowed our members to focus on those exams for this week We finally got the arm and the claw to […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 6 (26.09 – 02.10)

    Hei bloggen! The day started with doing the last talk about having our presentation before having it. We then presented our progress so far, what kind of problems we have met, and what we are doing next. After the presentation some of us went to Clas Ohlson to buy some screws and wheels for our […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 5 (19.09 – 25.09)

    Started to discuss what we will do in the next weeks. We discussed if we could use the car that some of the computer students are using in another subject. This will save us a lot of time because we won’t need to do driving part from scratch. The car is complete, we just have […]