TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 7 (03.10 – 09.10)

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This week we were not too effective because there were some illnesses in the group and members that were focusing on different exams they had the same week and the next so we allowed our members to focus on those exams for this week

We finally got the arm and the claw to work individually. The newest design we have on the claw is working like it should, and it grabs a fairly amount of weight. Something that is concerning is that the servos have a little bit of lag or like push back when controlling it. I think we have found the design of the claw that we are satisfied with, but we might change it later if we are experiencing some problems with it later. One small thing with the claw is that one of the arm is a little bit off positioned compared to the two others, but that is a fix that shouldn’t take too much time to fix.

We also got to control the arm itself with a joystick that is connecting to the Arduino. We met a problem since we are using a servo that is rotating continuously so we had to find a solution for us being able to start and stop it like we wanted to. The movement of it is a little bit uneven movement, but we hope to make the arm move smoother with the time.

The picture above shows how the end solution might look like. Because of all the elemenet which is, microbit, breadboard and two driver motors on the car, we might have to build a bigger surface to use instead of the car on the picture. This will just be the body we might change, all the other components will still be used.

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