TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 6 (26.09 – 02.10)

Hei bloggen!

The day started with doing the last talk about having our presentation before having it. We then presented our progress so far, what kind of problems we have met, and what we are doing next.

After the presentation some of us went to Clas Ohlson to buy some screws and wheels for our rotation plate which we shall have on the car. With these wheels the plate on top of the car can rotate so we can move the arm around without needing to move the car.

Adrian continue working on a joystick which shall be able to control servo motors. There were some issues with some of the servos because they didn’t work like it should. Some of them were not functioning.

Dag continued to improve the design of the claw, and it looks like we will have a final result on the claw that we are satisfied with. And that design is the one that is posted in the last weeks blog.


I made a new claw out of wood ass well. I had some problems because I made the plate that connect the arms and servo to large. Because of this the claw was only able to close it self but not open. The way I fixed this was to shorten the arms and make the plate smaller. The reason this effect the function of claw is because the force that goes in the y direction was too big and it made the claw lock up.   

I also made some small improvements on the base of the claw to fit the servo. I have made som CAD-models of the servos but I have forgotten to think about the cable. I made space for the cabel and changed the hole for the servo to make it easier to disassemble.  

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