Category: Smart Systems 2022

  • Connect 4 – Week 11 (31.10 – 06.11)

    Electrical part: This week Dag helped us to get the stepper motor working. The connections of our motor are different to the once we have found on the internet. After fixing the connections the also motor worked as expected. We also cutted and soldered the LED stripe to make it ready for the final version […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 10 (24.10 – 30.10)

    Electrical part:This week got a level shifter from dag to go on with the LED stripe. Also we used a new stripe, because we thought the one from last week was broken. With the new LED stripe all LEDs are working so we know for sure that the old one is broken. And also with […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 10 (24.10 – 30.10)

    Hei bloggen! This week we had our computer engineers starting programming the car and the arm. Since we have gotten the controller we are going to use, we can finally start to actually program the car and the arm to be able to steer it from the wireless connection. Now we just need to get […]

  • Week: 11 – Setting up user interface app

    Computer engineers This week we fixed some small problems with the UI. Now that everything was setup we focused on the html code and the CSS code. Here is a little video showing our app. HTML code In order to have different pages we made several html files for each function of our system. So […]

  • Group 2 – Week 10

    Last Wednesday we discovered that some of the magnets in the chess pieces was put in the wrong way (facing downwards instead of upwards against the design on the top). So, I had to remove the bottom plate from the chess pieces and turn the magnets around. Due to the top pieces (design form an […]

  • Auto21 – post 10

    This week many of the components of the system was close to finished and the focus was therefor on testing and fine tuning these components to ensure they could perform the required function. One of the major activities of the day, which multiple members of the group were doing, was using sandpaper and other tools […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 9 (17.10 – 23.10)

    Hei bloggen! This week we got our parts for the arm that we needed so we got to finally assemble the arm. We also ordered the PlayStation 2 controller so next week we can hopefully start to connect that to control the arm. We continued working with the car that is supposed to move around. […]

  • Week: 10 – The prequel

    Computer engineers This week we tried to focus fully on setting up our user interface on raspberry pi with the touch screen. We decided to use electron for setting up our desktop app. For this we had to use JavaScript, HTML and CSS along with some scripting. There were several issues when we tried to […]

  • Group 2 – Week 9

    Mechanical Engineering During week 9, I have continued to work on the design of the robotic arm, and started to create / design the base which the arm will be attached to. Since it can be expected some vibrations from the servomotors, I have done a little research on different designs that hopefully will in […]

  • Week: 9 – Setting up the rail system

    Computer engineers This week was a happy week for all of us. Not only for our group but all the groups at least we think. The reason for that is that we have received our ordered items from AliExpress. Since we already have tested the code together with the items as a whole system we […]