Connect 4 – Week 11 (31.10 – 06.11)

Electrical part:

This week Dag helped us to get the stepper motor working. The connections of our motor are different to the once we have found on the internet. After fixing the connections the also motor worked as expected.

The motor driver used for the stepper motor connected to the board.

We also cutted and soldered the LED stripe to make it ready for the final version of our project and glued it on the game board as you can see in the video below.

The next thing was to solder a micro usb port and two wires to the voltage converter to be able to connect the LEDs and the servo directly with the 5 volt power supply to ensure they are getting enough power.

Since the LED stirpe is glued on the game board and also the photoresisters are connected and soldered we want to get the coin detection working next week.

Mechanical part:

Today we’ve gotten access to two plywood plates and thus we laser-cut nearly all our needed parts. Next to that we’ve laser-cut a the game-board 1 more time so that the LED lights fits into it. We’ve also began with gluing some parts together. We accidentally reflected our parts so that our buttons and LCD Display would be on the left side in stead of the right side. The decision was made to try to cut the glued parts out so we can reflect the parts in the right way again. The glue has left some markings so we’ll need to rub it with some sandpaper to make it look nice again… or put it back together like we glued it at first. We will decide what to do next week.

We faced the problem that the legs we made for the game-board were just to short to let the coin-slider get above the game-board. Therefore we need to put little legs under the big legs for an extra 10-30 mm. Those legs can also be used to position the whole top (mechanical part) by also using a big plate underneath it.

Another problem we faced is that the mounting of our two buttons and LCD Display, we don’t know how to do this yet because we didn’t have time to look into it that much yet, but next week we hope to find a solution.

Richard also gave as all the printed coins we need for our game this week.

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