Tag: Connect 4

  • Connect 4 – Project Video and Pictures


  • Connect 4 – Week 14 (21.11 – 27.11)

    We got a stronger dc dc converter that also can work with 24v input, and it provides 5v with 5 ampere. With this, our rasperry pi powered up stable! A good side effect we found out with researches is that this converter provides short circuit protection, over current and over temperature protection and when the […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 13 (14.11 – 20.11)

    Because the deadline is getting closer and closer, this week’s report is written in a more bullet-point style: We got a MCP3008 adc converter from Zoran. We used following tutorial to get it working https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/how-to-add-light-and-temperature-sensors-to-raspberry-pi-a1e0c7d6d37fIt was tricky getting the right python packages, as the raspi wasn’t connected with internet and we needed to install the […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 12 (07.11 – 13.11)

    This week we tried to get the coin detection working. Remember the technic: Above the upper row of the game board, on one side every column has a photoresistor in the wood and on the other side there is the led strip incorporated. The photoresistor emits a different resistance depending on the light intensity received. […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 11 (31.10 – 06.11)

    Electrical part: This week Dag helped us to get the stepper motor working. The connections of our motor are different to the once we have found on the internet. After fixing the connections the also motor worked as expected. We also cutted and soldered the LED stripe to make it ready for the final version […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 10 (24.10 – 30.10)

    Electrical part:This week got a level shifter from dag to go on with the LED stripe. Also we used a new stripe, because we thought the one from last week was broken. With the new LED stripe all LEDs are working so we know for sure that the old one is broken. And also with […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 9 (17.10 – 23.10)

    Software part:As wrote last week, we want to start the game in an own new process as soon as a button, the start button gets pressed. Advantages: Easily kill game process when button is pressed again for stopping the game – at every time! It doesn’t matter in which state the algorithm is, it will […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 8 (10.10 – 16.10)

    This week, we finally added the algorithm to our connect 4 demo python program. You can now choose difficulties from 0 to 5, where 0 equals random turn and 1 to 5 the parameter of the tree depth of the minmax algorithm. We used the implementation from Keith Galli, he made a good YouTube video […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 7 (03.10 – 09.10)

    Software part:This week we connected the lcd display and a led to the Rasperry Pi to try some basic python programs with it.LED and photoresistor works with a normal GPIO pin, the LCD display uses the i2c bus, so therefore you need to connect it to the SDA and SCL pin on the rasperry pi […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 6 (26.09 – 02.10)

    This week we made a presentation to show all the groups and teachers our progress. In this presentation we showed a few versions of some components and why we needed to change them. This week, we also set up Johannes’ Rasperry Pi B+ with Rasperry Pi OS. We used the lite version without desktop environment, […]