Category: Haptix

  • Haptix week 48

    Petter  For those with access, check out Haptix2/Haptix/Assets/Petter Scripts for most of my work this last week.  This last week has been rough, I’ve gone from a rough prototype of a new Rubix script, which controls movement of the cube, to a relatively functional one who also works with leap motion and other members scripts.  I’ve gone through an insane amount of […]

  • Haptix week 47

    Petter: Because of my issues with the input system I went and talked to Steven about possible solutions, he ended up giving me new ideas and perspectives.  I ended up redoing the cube completely because of this and after 3 days compared to four weeks of work, I have a working prototype, which is frankly better in all ways compared to the old one. For a rough outline on how my thought process went:   First, Steven and I categorised the options:  […]

  • Haptix week 46

    Petter: I’m continuing the work on the input system of the cube. It was more comprehensive than anticipated so I have spent my time, discussing and trying out different options as well as gathering info from more experienced users of unity.  William:  I have done research on how to implement a scoreboard from Unity to a database. Also been working on the scoreboard in Unity, I have an idea how I want it to be implementet and lookwise. We had a meeting on thursday where I had futher discussions with Even.  Herman & Tom Erik: We’ve been discussing the specifics of the physical design elements and obtain all necessary tools. Work is still being done on refining the sensory circuitry of the system.  This week […]

  • Haptix Week 45

    Petter:  I’ve been working on the input system of the cube, first debating it’s simplicity, intuitivity and scale, and from then I’ve chosen to make the input based on a single press and it’s angle compared to the side and block it touches, it will from then send the relevant data which will decide which way to make the […]

  • Haptix week 43 and 44

    Petter  Created some custom cube designs and discussed implementation of how our Rubix cube reacts to virtual touch.  Daniel  I had to rework most of what I did for the previous weeks. Rather than using Leap Motion’s properties and methods, I created my own fingertips using a custom script and sphere 3D objects.  The image above illustrates the current state of the Unity application. When there’s an impact on any of the fingertips, a function in a script called Arduino.cs will be called.   Which will then send a signal to the actual Arduino. Where the Arduino will use to get the signal. That way it can handle the slaves and vibrating motors.  A little side note, the fingertip script seen here aren’t necessarily fully complete. I am currently working on bi-directional communication between the Arduino and Unity application.   The image above illustrates the full hierarchy of a hand, in this case the left hand. Once any or more of the turquoise touches something, a vibrating motor for the respective hand and finger should start. The green cube seen in the image is just a placeholder for the interaction Petter is working on.  William  I am now done with the User Interface for our application (there will be small changes/adjustments). The UI is of course made in Unity, and I have added some implementations and functionalities using C# as you can see in the GIF.     Short link:  Link:  HTML5 […]

  • Haptix Week 42

    Petter We’ve got a working solvable rubix cube. Right now the colliders causing the movement are located inside the cube, I’m planning on adding a better way of triggering the actions soon, but this will allow us to test the system. Daniel For this week I am working on connecting the Leap Motion device […]

  • Haptix Week 41

    Had a meeting in the Cave at the University. The electro students had received their components, so we looked at these together. In addition, we went through the Leap Motion device and the HTC Vive.  Petter:  I’ve finished the rubix system which basically describes how each piece interacts with the pieces around it . I still need to adjust how the pieces interact with each other, as […]

  • Haptix week 39 and 40

    We decided to post both week 39 and 40 because of the server issues in week 39. Daniel: Week 40: Last week I completed a scene that can be used as an environment for the interaction we will have to implement. This week I made a simple UI menu for the Unity Application: The […]

  • Haptix – Week 38

    Virtual meeting through Microsoft Teams on Thursday at 10:40. The meeting lasted over an hour. Out from the meeting it was decided that the electro students should continue working on developing the glove, begin to finalize which components to use and design the necessary circuits. The computer students decided to continue working independently with their […]

  • Haptix – Week 37

    Virtual meeting at 10:00 AM on Thursday through Microsoft Teams. The group decided to split up into a computer and electro party for this week. The computer students will focus on the setup of a Unity environment for the VR, while also learning how we can take advantage of the software.  The Unity application will be companied with HTC Vive, Leap Motion tracking and the Haptic gloves. Something which will be connected in a later session. But for now, the computer students will have to make a foundation for how we […]