Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Haptix week 48

    Petter  For those with access, check out Haptix2/Haptix/Assets/Petter Scripts for most of my work this last week.  This last week has been rough, I’ve gone from a rough prototype of a new Rubix script, which controls movement of the cube, to a relatively functional one who also works with leap motion and other members scripts.  I’ve gone through an insane amount of […]

  • Group 7 Week 13-14

    Final 2 weeks Mechanical: Adithya:  The first week I printed out the necessary parts to assemble the body of the main body of the tank, including the side panels. This allowed to begin assembling the body of the final product as shown below. I am satisfied with how it looks as it resembles a tank […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 13

    Mechanical  This week we finally got a hold of two more 24V fans which serves our purpose of creating enough pressure under the board plate to make the disc “float” as we want it too. To see how this works in practice, watch the video below.   I have also used a lot of time finishing up all the […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 14

    Date: 21.11.2019 – 03.12.2019 (final sprint) GitHub: The final week was a race to the finish in order to complete as much of the drone as we could before the deadline. We had multiple bottlenecks last week and we are happy to announce that we have overcome the obstacles and achieved a lot this […]

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 13 and 14 14.11 – 21.11, 22.11 – 03.12

    Week 13 After our realisation that the Raspberry Pi only supports a single camera, we went ahead and got ahold of another Raspberry Pi and connected them with an ethernet cable. Setting up network between them and some ROS settings allowed the ROS on each of the Pi’s to communicate with each other. We have […]

  • Shallow Blue week 48

    github link: The codes for the Project can be found in our Github that is linked under. Sondre Fuhre Orsten and Ole Henrik Eidal Flesaker: This final week we have been trying to clean up code, add features to make the game complete and implementing an UI. The features to make the game complete […]

  • AutoDrink, week 46-48

    In theese two weeks we mounted the construction and the pumps. It is almost ready. To mount the pumps to the construction, we used velcrotape. We calibrated the pumps so we have exact time for each unit drink. All the powercables and singnalcables were installed and signalcables soldered to the motors. The rest of the […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 47

    Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan. We have been working on the candidate list for the chess pieces. Where we are supposed to detect something on the board, and to then later be able to classify each object. Using a T shape algorithm to find the width and height of each object. and then to know […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 13

    Date: 14.11.2019 – 21.11.2019 The tale of this sprint is one mixed with both tragedy and victory. Tragedy because several components died, yet triumphant as several small goals were achieved. First of all, we got a hold of the PWM board we need to simulate the controller inputs on the flight controller. It involved a […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 12

    Date: 07.11.2019 – 14.11.2019 This week we found a hacky solution to our lack-of-API problem: there is a library for the Raspberry Pi out there which will simulate inputs to our flight controller. What this means is that we should be able to use that library in order to control our drone, salvaging the autonomous […]