Category: Uncategorized

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 9

    Christopher Daffinrud Following up from last week, Ole and myself sat down to discuss, figure out and come to a viable solution for data-sharing between threads and objects in our software. We found out that creating a class for our wanted shared-variables, camera frames and coordinates, and using Threading.Condition() for synchronizing and avoiding race conditions […]

  • Group 4 – Week 9

    Hi Dronesonen! ๐Ÿ˜Š Last week we conducted the following efforts: Discipline – Software: Erik-Andre Hegna: Monday: This week I spent more time on the PID. As I have already used a lot of time researching the mechanics and algorithms behind the software, I now started developing it with code. As of now, I am developing […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros โ€“ Week 9

    Welcome to yet another humble blog post from the MicroBros ! This week we actually got a new 3D-printed frame from Richard . It lowers the width of the robot getting us even closer to be able to traverse the maze ! Jonathan PERSONALLY ITโ€™S BEEN THE WEEK OF MATH. However, attempts have been made […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 9

    Welcome back! more testing of the system, i bet we have tested some of the functionalities more than 100 times this week! We are able to test the system faster and faster and adding more fucntionalities from our requirements! See you next week! Shahin Ostadahmadi I have been travelling for work for the majority of […]

  • Autonomous Car – Week 9

    Abdiqani:  I started the project thinking of using the sensors as the only tool to navigate through the maze, but this soon became very complicated, challenging, troublesome, you name it.  Who would have known that giving it commands for every kind of situation would make it harder for the game. This led me to try […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 9

    Summary:  Ilir Bylykbashi This week John and I decided to establish a plan B in case it is not possible to create a functional algorithm for the micro-mouse project. We want to be able to drive the mouse with another micro:bit. We are now in the stage of establishing it to work correctly, and this […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 8

    Christopher Daffinrud This week we used most of our Monday testing our system. We wanted to see our software and detection model working together with our hardware components making our turret rotate towards the detected object from our camera feed. The communication between the input, the object detection and the output in controlling the stepper […]

  • Group 4 – Week 8

    Hi Dronesonen! ๐Ÿ˜Š Last week we conducted the following efforts: Discipline – Software: Erik-Andre Hegna: This week I focused on system modeling. My goal for this week was trying to understand how the different algorithms would work together all the way from sensor-data to moving and mapping the maze. Trying to get my head around […]

  • Group 1 – Week 8

    Andreas Thanks to the mindboggling revelations we could pulse the LED and then perform digital signal processing instead of analogue filtering. When considering the formfactor of the system we decided that we would either have to design a PCB to fit all the components into the size we wanted, or would have to filter digitally. […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros – Week 8

    Hey there, beautiful human beings! ๐Ÿ’–โœจAnother week has passed and it has now been an entire month since we lost a member, so we must be doing something right! ๐ŸŽ‰ While we still need to downsize the robot so it can actually fit the maze there are still plenty of other progress in preparation for […]