Category: Uncategorized

  • Fourth sprint – Puck Buddies

    This blog is delayed by over a week due to unfortunate circumstances. Anders, our blog responsible suddenly went ill last week and was admitted to the hospital. Everyone from the group whishes you a speedy recovery Anders! Gaute Hopefully this week I made the last draft of the glidering and the positioning blocks to the […]

  • Group 2: Card playing robot – Sprint 6

    25.09.20-02.10.20 Maskin (Simen): I finally got to see the 3d printed result, and started putting it together. For the split parts I decided to use some tape to hold them together, and for the axles, which I now see had too big of a size difference from the holes, I chose to tape them larger […]

  • 01.10.20

    Gustav og Inge hadde denne dagen et møte for å diskutere de ulike design forslagene for pumpa. Det ble her avgjort at det trolig vil være bedre med en noe mer tradisjonell løsning. Løsning 6 vil for eksempel kunne bli tett litt for lett, noe som vil være lite hensiktsmessig da hele poenget med det […]

  • Group 2: Card playing robot – Sprint 5

    Sprint 5: 18.09.2020 -25.09.2020 Due to scheduling difficulties and mainly sickness we weren’t able to have our weekly meeting, but we decided that everybody would continue their individual task for this sprint and we would then report back during our next meeting to assess the status of our progress. We will also look to finally […]

  • 23/24.09.20

    Onsdag Fredrik, Gustav og Inge, møttes i automasjonslabben for å diskutere vaskesystemets aktuator. Det ble diskutert to eventuelle løsninger. Venstre løsning baserer seg egentlig på en låsemekaninsme, hvor to f.eks. sylindere blir skrudd opp eller ned via en skrue. Denne er fordelaktig da man kan åpne og lukke parallelt. Ulempen er at monteringen av motor […]

  • Third sprint – Puck Buddies

    Nicholas Electrical: All the parts we use to test are subject to change before the final implementation. They do however work in the same logical way so the software should stay more or less the same even if the parts are changed.  Current BOM:  Arduino Uno  Potmeter (50KΩ)  BYJ-48 stepper motor and driver board  Simple button  10KΩ, […]

  • Group 2: Card playing robot – Sprint 4

    Sprint 4: 11.09.2020 -18.09.2020 Maskin (Simen): After some trials and tribulations when attempting to print, because the parts were a tad too complex for simple 3d prints. With some heated discussions (and advice) from the teacher, I was made aware of my design flaws and found some pointers as to what to focus on onwards. […]

  • 17.09.20

    Inge 3D-printet matesystemet vårt. Denne dagen har Fredrik, Gustav og Kasper sett på pumpe system: Pumpe: Aquarie vann skal renses, dette gjøres ved at en pumpe drar vann ut av aquariet og igjennom et filter. Fra forskjellige hull burde pumpen klare å filtrere vannet som er i aquariet med en faktor på mellom 2 og […]


    Week 37-38 We are a group consisting of four members. Computer science: Kjartan Vågan Computer science: Stian Hatlestad Electrical engineer: Jens Gaarden Mechanical engineer: Mads Sørensen For our project we got the amazing opportunity to experiment with the brand new Hololens 2. We wanted to find a way to combine all three disciplines with this […]

  • Intro-All purpose Cannon

    Our group: Currently the group consists of 3 membersWe are 2 Computer engineers and 1 Mechanical engineer, we are currently working from Krona, which is a build under the USN banner. Our team consists of: Daniel Gulbrandsen – Mechanical engineer David Dokka – Computer engineer Jafar Alami- Computer engineer The Project: The All purpose Cannon(work […]