TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 3 (05.09 – 11.09)

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We started our day by going through the Arduino kit which we got from the university in the first semester of the first year, trying to look for parts which we could use. Sure enough we found servo motors and also a Bluetooth module. We figured this Bluetooth module could prove to be useful for some interaction with the robot arm since there was an app for the module. It took quite some time to figure the whole thing out but eventually it was a success.

Afterwards we went off to laser cut a prototype of the robot arm after good direction from supervisor Richard. It took much time and patience, but Dag was able to make a prototype. The next step for us now is to test and play with the prototype.


The group wanted to test the servos, so I made a prototype. I already have started one a concept that uses tubes but this idea will be time consuming and harder to make changes to. Because it required 3Dpriting.

The plywood prototype is simple. As the picture shows I made the arm so it will fit the s90g servos (small blue). I made some cut-outs to lighten the arm, the weight saved is not a lot but it is something. I also made holes in the stiffening parts for the wiring. These features are not necessary on the protype but I want to test how much it affects the plywood.    


I also made a protype of the claw.

It worked but not very smooth, I had not used much time on the gear design. It was not designed well because it was just made as a proof of concept. The idea with this prototype is to change some parts on it to make it work better.            

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