Auto21 – Post 3

This week we started to make a list for all the required parts and components for our project, as well as working on a technical drawing. We figured this was crucial to do early, making sure we get the parts that needs to be ordered in time. We also started to look for motors and to get them working. This turned out to be more challenging than we first thought. After some debugging and research we came to the conclusion that the motor was malfunctioning.

Fixing this is a “next-week-problem”.

We also started to work on the LCD-screen, for showing information about the current game e.g. amount of chips currently held by a player. This went fairly smooth, and was done on first try ;).

Two of our team members also started to look at object recognition with Python and openCV. The time was spent setting up the required libary and looking at implementation examples of recognition of playing cards. For next week all parts should be ordered and the problems concerning the motor should be addressed. We should also try to get a version of the object recognition to work.

This post was uploaded by Andreas Furmyr Emdal

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