Category: Auto 21

  • Auto 21 – Project Video

  • Auto 21- Post 13

    this week works started working on connecting all the control unit to breadboard and then connect it all to Arduino, using VGA cable. ^- Mehdi For solve the problem, we made a support and installed a total of three, one for each 120 degree angle. It has a roller function, so it helps to rotate […]

  • Auto 21- Post 12

    On Wednesday we found out that the stepper motor and DC motor, connection’s were not working as intended. We decided it would be a good idea to replace all of the wires as well since everything was quite messy, the rest of the time we used to develop a solution that would solve the problem […]

  • Auto 21 – Post 11

    02.11.2022 This week we made a lot of progress. As we saw in the last post, we had a lot of the components ready, including the game controllers, card dispenser, DVI base and the raspberry pi light. Last time, we concluded that we needed the card dispenser at an angle for the DC motor to […]

  • Auto21 – post 10

    This week many of the components of the system was close to finished and the focus was therefor on testing and fine tuning these components to ensure they could perform the required function. One of the major activities of the day, which multiple members of the group were doing, was using sandpaper and other tools […]

  • Auto21 – Post 9

    This week we picked up where we left of from last week. The image recognition is on track, and we started try to simulate the environment in the machine. We had to readjust the image center to get the correct contours, this was challenging as the walls of the card box was too low. For […]

  • Auto21 – Post 8

    12.10.2022 This week everyone work on what they worked on previously. Lord Wintersoul started working on programming the actual game logic he added place holder function for the card identification and added the function to check the value of the different hands, and also functions for player selection when they hit, stand and double down. […]

  • Auto21 – Post 6

    We held a design meeting to finalize some of the core decisions about the main chassis and overall design language of the product. Most people in the group are approaching what could easily be classified as an “end-point” in their prototyping of each of the segments, and what remains right now is setting everything together. […]

  • Auto 21 – Post 7

    28.09.2022 We started the week by meeting at the usual time. This week we had to present how far we have come to the other groups. We had approximately one hour before the presentations started, so we wanted to get some work done in the meantime. Sunny had made the hole at the top for […]

  • Auto21 – Post 5

    Date 21 Sep 2022 Two 3.5mm plywood plate was laser cut and bonded together to achieve the desired thickness of the base plate, the baseplate is kept in a hydraulic press between 2 solid plates of aluminum at 1 metric ton during the glue curing time to make sure is as flat as possible. Shaft […]