Auto21 – Post 6

We held a design meeting to finalize some of the core decisions about the main chassis and overall design language of the product. Most people in the group are approaching what could easily be classified as an “end-point” in their prototyping of each of the segments, and what remains right now is setting everything together.

Drawing of the card and motor holding parts, including a cover on the front to hide the mechanisms inside

The image recognition system is somewhat functional, and can recognize most of the symbols, with a few of them being somewhat unpredictable. To sort this out, we’ll investigate using an OCR approach or redoing the base test images.

The code that writes to the stepper motor that rotates the chassis and the card dealing spinning wheel is written but will be cleaned up and made more modular in the coming week. The motors also ran a little warm, but this problem was already sorted out before the end of this week.

The prototype controller unit is fully complete, as well as the drivers to run them. Connecting the VGA inputs to the Arduino should make each of the 4 controllers function as it currently stands.

The parts we’re printing for next time

The A requirements are all approaching their end, and when we have set the entire system set up, we will start investigating meeting the B requirements.

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