
This week everyone work on what they worked on previously. Lord Wintersoul started working on programming the actual game logic he added place holder function for the card identification and added the function to check the value of the different hands, and also functions for player selection when they hit, stand and double down. at the same time that the player actually dealt cards. Seonhee Kim had 3d printed DC motor holder. The image recognition team had some problems last week that their image recognition system didn’t recognized some of the cards.

Nikolai and Andreas tried two new methods since the first one didn’t work so well. the image recognition now works by manipulating the image we taken so that it only contains the card value, we also compare it with stored images of the various card values and find which stored image is most similar. by doing that The image recognition system is now functional.

Me and Stanko-Martin Bozhkov, worked on the new DC motor that Sunny Kim had bought for the group.

there is nothing wrong with the metallic DC motor it functions as normal, but there is a small problem with it, the shaft is very short and it has gears. so when sunny had bought the new DC motor (black one) Me and Stanko-Martin Bozhkov, immediately start working on it. we later on found out that the motor had a problem. the problem was that that motor could not handle resistance, as soon as there was a small amount resistance on the motor the motor stopped working. and the reason we worked on the black one was because sunny had made a holder for it but unfortunately the motor was to weak or It would have been perfect.

later on I worked on the buttons casing. there was a problem we had with the button casing, the cable was not secure and it moved to much, that could be a problem for the soldering that was done. the solution we though of was to buy packing nippel.

the hole was to small so I used the soldering iron and melted a little so the nipple fit. then I connected everything back together as before

This post was written by Mehdi Chamran