Auto21 – Post 9

This week we picked up where we left of from last week. The image recognition is on track, and we started try to simulate the environment in the machine. We had to readjust the image center to get the correct contours, this was challenging as the walls of the card box was too low. For the card box to contain three decks of cards the walls needs to be higher for the camera to get the correct angle.

Our mechanical engineer is all over this for the new container. The fine tuning of image recognition therefor has to wait for the next itaration. Our mechanical engineer is also working on the housing for the cards and motor. She is also exploring a new material for the fundation of the machine, as well as mapping the spaces for every component we plan to install on the machine. She also mounted the LCD-screen on our first prototype controller.

LCD-screen installed on the controller.

Our electrical engineer was transfering the electrical components from our first controller to a new housing. In addition to this he started the mapping of all the wires and electrical components and where they should be installed on the machine. This include meassuring the size of cables and components.

internal part of controller

Our computer engineer resposible for the motors controlling the base of our machine and the motor for delivering cards spent the day figuring out how to write python code that interracts with his arduino code. This went well, without major problems.

We have also made a repo on GitHub as well as uploaded all of our code. The game logic, started on last week, is finished, and we also ordered som more components needed for our controllers.

This weeks post was uploaded by Andreas Furmyr Emdal

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