Category: Uncategorized

  • Thirteenth and final sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute This is the final design that we landed on. There has been a lot of work put down in the process to get where we are now. A tremendous amount of hours in solidworks and many iterations on each part pays of when it comes to the end product. I have based the design […]

  • Holobot week 50 (part3)

    Mads This is going to be a summary of the semester, the challenges, victories and quite a lot of failures. The idea of the Holobot was formed the second week into the semester. Group members had a big wish to use the HoloLens, but it needed to be incorporated into something mechanical. Thus the idea […]

  • 10.12.20

    Igjennom en rekke forsøk for å få kode og oppkobling til å fungere har vi i løpet av de siste dagene, men nå har vi et presentabelt resultat. Alt som mangler for oppkobling nå er å gjemme det pent under aquariet. 07/08/09/10: Så har Kasper jobbet med å ferdigstille Arduino skript, mens Fredrik og Gustav […]

  • Holobot week 50 (part2)

    Mads All other exams are finally done and I can resume the Holobot with my full attention. The mechanical and physical are nearly done. The geared DC motors have arrived and are now mounted, they work as intended. This will be a longer blog post which looks back at what I have done the last […]

  • Eleventh & twelfth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Due to extreme rush to finish another exam last week I forgot to post to the blog. As such there is content for the two last weeks in this blog post. Gaute Week 48 Have been pretty busy with other exams this week so I haven’t done much on the model, but I have 3D […]

  • Holobot week 50 (part1)

    JENS (recap) It’s been a few weeks since I posted anything, so be warned. This is going to be a long one. A new skill! I never soldered anything before, and my first job was to solder wires on two miniscule copper pads on an Arduino Nano BLE. Great, I thought. How hard can it […]

  • Mekaniske aspektet av akvariet. (Inge)

    Første steg:  Min første illustrasjon av systemet.  Det jeg ønsker å kunne gjøre er å vaske alle sidene av et akvariet innvendig. Utover dette ønsker jeg at det skal kunne gjøres med én vaske modul, så den må kunne flyttes mellom sidene. Det ville naturligvis vært enklere å lage en statisk modul til hver side, […]

  • Week 49: Smart Aquarium

    Bluetooth functionality for the Smart Aquarium is done between an Android app and the Arduino Nano 33 BLE, meaning we need some Arduino code for sending information as well as a good amount of Android code to connect and receive this information.The arduino code is almost complete (shown below), though the sensors inputs will need […]

  • 05.12.20-06.12.20

    Alison: Komme ordentlig i gang med Android Studio.  Laget et forside og begynt med de fleste undersidene Begynt å koble sidene sammen Interface er så godt som på plass Begynt på en datamodell, må gjøres ferdig 

  • Sprint 12

    Common: After weeks of corona trouble and 4 out of 5 group members having to quarantine for a week, we were finally able to meet in person. We discussed the progress of our project and what each group member is currently dealing with. There is 3 weeks til the deadline, and after not being able […]