Week: 8 Sort.it- Storing items and exams

These few weeks has been a lot of struggle since some group members were having exam. Therefore we could not all meet up and keep up the same pace. Therefore we have been mostly working for our self. Some of us have been meeting up when we could since there is always some issues that needs to be discussed before we could implement the code. Therefore those of us who could meet up did. The code we implemented this week was an array that we could store all the items inside. We decided to have pointers inside the array that pointed to items. Furthermore we agreed on creating the array on the heap even though it is not advisable cause it could lead to memory leak if we forget to delete it afterwards. In our case it should not be a big problem since we don’t have huge project. We did agree that items were the only thing we were going to save on the heap. Here is a small caption.

Item class

This week we continued working on item class and make it a bit better. We added some new methods like setItem(), getItem(), removeItem. Again we had to discuss some issues related to our future problems if we were going to implement the code like we have done. Some of the discussions were related to the idea of object oriented solution to item class and itemController class. For now we are going to let it stay the way it is cause we yet have some investigations to do before further changes.

Mechanical engineers

The mechanical engineers this week were busy with continuation exams. This limited our work on the project. We were however able to do some 3D designing on SolidWorks. We worked with the frame and how this could be integrated in the system. Correct placing of the parts is important so the parts dont crash together. The frame is going to be a plate with plywood at the bottom of the system. It will make it easier to attach the 3D modelled parts and it will also be alot more stable since there are moving parts in both X,Y and Z direction.

  • Ole Markus & Kim

Designing new gripper

Im trying to make a more complicated gripper than the first one i made. This with more mechanics in it. Hope this can be 3D printed and maby cutted in some plexiglass for design. Modulated in SW. See picture below.

Exploded view of the Gripper. Part numbers and ballon conected for better overall location of parts.
Fully assembled 2D drawing in SW.
  • Kim


This week we are working on other subjects.

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