
  • Week: 14 Merging the system together and optimalize

    See the video below for a description of our system! – The Team (Thank you Liv-Marte for the group pic) Mechanical engineers Optimalizing functions together with computer engineers and Ole. We need the system to function properly before the presentation. Ole is also adding a web-camera to the See the figures below for […]

  • Week: 13 Merging the system together

    Computer engineers Finally we are beginning to see the system working together on our last iteration of the product. We have been analyzing some of the code with the library to check that the system works and it does. It does have some issues that we are going to look further into and that is […]

  • Week: 12 – Assembly and testing

    Computer engineers Claw This week the system is starting to get together. We have finally received our claw and therefore I could test it with the code and find the sweet spot to grab stuff. We still had some issues with how much resistance it had at the end of the claw because it does […]

  • Week: 11 – Setting up user interface app

    Computer engineers This week we fixed some small problems with the UI. Now that everything was setup we focused on the html code and the CSS code. Here is a little video showing our app. HTML code In order to have different pages we made several html files for each function of our system. So […]

  • Week: 10 – The prequel

    Computer engineers This week we tried to focus fully on setting up our user interface on raspberry pi with the touch screen. We decided to use electron for setting up our desktop app. For this we had to use JavaScript, HTML and CSS along with some scripting. There were several issues when we tried to […]

  • Week: 9 – Setting up the rail system

    Computer engineers This week was a happy week for all of us. Not only for our group but all the groups at least we think. The reason for that is that we have received our ordered items from AliExpress. Since we already have tested the code together with the items as a whole system we […]

  • Week: 8 Storing items and exams

    These few weeks has been a lot of struggle since some group members were having exam. Therefore we could not all meet up and keep up the same pace. Therefore we have been mostly working for our self. Some of us have been meeting up when we could since there is always some issues that […]

  • Week: 7 – Amalgamate tasks together

    Computer engineers Fixing issues with moving files to different folder We decided to move the controller related files into it’s own directory. This caused alot of error since the Arduino compiler could not recognize our files in this new folder. We used a few hours to fix this issue. While looking further into to problem […]

  • Week: 6 – Amalgamate tasks together

    Testing code together This week we also thought that we should start testing the motor code, led screen code, button code, and the servo motor code all together so that we could see that it worked together. Obviously we faced some problems both when it came to code and electrical issues. So we tried to […]

  • Week 5: – Delegating tasks

    Group 1 We started delegating tasks as computer engineers. Each member started working on their own part of the system. Creating code for grabber After our mechanical engineers had made their beta claw grabber it was time to create the code for servo motor. To make life easy and check that everything was working I […]