Category: Uncategorized

  • Robot Arm – Week 2

    This week we started individual work on different aspects of the project. We started testing different types of servos that were available to us in Dronesonen. Using example-code on an Arduino, it was possible to control servos using a potentiometer. The movement of each servo was a bit unstable and jittery. This could be because […]

  • Pin To Win – Week 1

    Hardware A Pinball table shall be created to resemble the retro-games. The functionality should be similar to the original tables with a angled surface. Besides playing the normal way as it is expected from such devices with buttons to activate the flippers, it should be able to ‘play itself’, using a detection system to locate […]

  • Robot Arm – Week-1

    We chose to make a robotic arm that can move and be controlled. We want it to be able to move the pieces in a game of Tick-Tac-Toe.  Group assembled  Ole Christian Walvatne Kopland – Computer engineering  Mohamed Mahad Mahamed – Computer engineering  Fouad Ayman Foad Irkayek – Electrical engineering  Victor Adrian Köhler – Electrical engineering  Joakim F. Bomstad […]


    Gruppa vår går ut på å oppgradere et tidligere prosjekt, det som gikk under navnet “Unbeatable”, en automatisert air hockey maskin. Maskinen er et godt utgangspunkt for framgang, og siden vi bare er dataingeniører så passer det godt at mesteparten av elektro- og maskinarbeid allerede er gjort. Forelesning gikk ut på opplæring i github, og […]

  • Holobot

    Jens – final post from electro If at first you don’t succeed.. After the demoralizing setback on Thursday, we decided to keep going. We felt that we were quite close to develop a working system and that we at least had to give it a real try. We only had three days until the final […]

  • Better late than never?

    Due to malfunctioning arduino board and shield, it took longer than expected to get a working model to run, after alot of debugging and testing we switched the board and shield and it worked.

  • Puck Buddies – Wrapping Up

    So, even though the deadline for the last blog entry have passed we wanted to share some photos of the finished project as we are all very happy with how it turned out in the end. This semester have at times been challenging but we all had fun and learned to work together across disciplines. […]

  • Sprint 13 part 2

    We present our final project: The “arm of aces” is now at its final stage of completion. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to finalize the project as we wanted in terms of it all being fully integrated and operational. We’ve had some setbacks including 4 of 5 group members being in isolation meaning we couldn’t […]

  • Sprint 13

    Felles: During this final week we are working to get the robot arm up and running. We’ve encountered a problem with a lack of servo motors required for the arm to be fully functional. The servos we needed were “TowerPro MG968” and unfortunately they weren’t available at campus. Luckily, we got a recommendation to visit […]

  • Uke 50 (Inge)

    Siden sist har jeg laget en ny skinne for å flytte system mellom 3 av akvariets sider. Vi tar kun 3 sider fordi den siste siden vil være inn mot veggen og det gjør ting enklere. Dette er en 3D printet løsning, så det er en fordel med lego erfaring. Delene har hull og tapper […]