Category: Chess Mates

  • Group 2 – Week 14

    This week I met up with the group to start getting ready for our presentation on Tuesday. Liv Marte and I started putting some of the pieces together, and we started on the presentation after that. I also got videoes of everyones work and started editing it before posting it on the blogg. Marte Marheim, […]

  • Group 2 – Project Video

  • Group 2 – Week 13

    In the beginning of the semester when I was working on a timeline for this project, I had planned to complete the whole project by the end of week 13. And as it turns out, I was able to finish my part of the project by the end of this week. The only thing that […]

  • Group 2 – Week 12

    From Monday to Wednesday, I only worked a little on the robot arm, doing some lite sanding on the printed parts to get a more finished look. On Wednesday I met with the group in Dronesonen and started to put everything together. Hossein and Kevin helped with the assembly and continued to code the arm […]

  • Group 2 – Week 11

    On Monday I met with Richard to get some help with the design of the spur gears. And it turns out that all the math I have been trying to get right, is something I don’t have to focus on. So yeah.. that’s 10 hours of my life I will not get back. I have […]

  • Group 2 – Week 10

    Last Wednesday we discovered that some of the magnets in the chess pieces was put in the wrong way (facing downwards instead of upwards against the design on the top). So, I had to remove the bottom plate from the chess pieces and turn the magnets around. Due to the top pieces (design form an […]

  • Group 2 – Week 9

    Mechanical Engineering During week 9, I have continued to work on the design of the robotic arm, and started to create / design the base which the arm will be attached to. Since it can be expected some vibrations from the servomotors, I have done a little research on different designs that hopefully will in […]

  • Group 2 – Week 8

    Mechanical Engineering Last week was the fall break, and I only worked a few hours on the design of the robot arm. For this week (week 8) I have been working on the design of the robotic arm and the design of the turn table. As I have mentioned before, I ended up doing some […]

  • Group 2 – Week 6

    Computer Vision WEDNESDAY (08:30 – 12:00) + (16:30 – 21:00) 8 hours At 8:30, Kevin and I(Marte) met Liv Marte in Dronesonen(Hossein was home because of illness). We were supposed to give a short presentation today, so I read through my old blog posts to remind myself of what I’ve done so far and where […]

  • Group 2 – Week 5

    Computer Vision – Week 5: Wednesday (08:30 – 13:00) Liv Marte and I (Marte) met in Dronesonen at around 8:30 in the morning to review our work on our part of the project and our plans for the remainder of the week. Since I don’t work well in dronesonen, I spent the majority of my […]