Category: Smart Systems 2022

  • Connect 4 – Week 7 (03.10 – 09.10)

    Software part:This week we connected the lcd display and a led to the Rasperry Pi to try some basic python programs with it.LED and photoresistor works with a normal GPIO pin, the LCD display uses the i2c bus, so therefore you need to connect it to the SDA and SCL pin on the rasperry pi […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 6 (26.09 – 02.10)

    Hei bloggen! The day started with doing the last talk about having our presentation before having it. We then presented our progress so far, what kind of problems we have met, and what we are doing next. After the presentation some of us went to Clas Ohlson to buy some screws and wheels for our […]

  • Auto 21 – Post 7

    28.09.2022 We started the week by meeting at the usual time. This week we had to present how far we have come to the other groups. We had approximately one hour before the presentations started, so we wanted to get some work done in the meantime. Sunny had made the hole at the top for […]

  • Group 2 – Week 6

    Computer Vision WEDNESDAY (08:30 – 12:00) + (16:30 – 21:00) 8 hours At 8:30, Kevin and I(Marte) met Liv Marte in Dronesonen(Hossein was home because of illness). We were supposed to give a short presentation today, so I read through my old blog posts to remind myself of what I’ve done so far and where […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 6 (26.09 – 02.10)

    This week we made a presentation to show all the groups and teachers our progress. In this presentation we showed a few versions of some components and why we needed to change them. This week, we also set up Johannes’ Rasperry Pi B+ with Rasperry Pi OS. We used the lite version without desktop environment, […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 5 (19.09 – 25.09)

    Started to discuss what we will do in the next weeks. We discussed if we could use the car that some of the computer students are using in another subject. This will save us a lot of time because we won’t need to do driving part from scratch. The car is complete, we just have […]

  • Week: 6 – Amalgamate tasks together

    Testing code together This week we also thought that we should start testing the motor code, led screen code, button code, and the servo motor code all together so that we could see that it worked together. Obviously we faced some problems both when it came to code and electrical issues. So we tried to […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 5 (19.09 – 25.09)

    Algorithm:During our research about the algorithms, we found a few good sources. This week we started to have a more detailed look at the algorithms from the sources and started to try to understand them. But more time is necessary to fully know and implement these algorithms. One of the most important algorithm we have […]

  • Group 2 – Week 5

    Computer Vision – Week 5: Wednesday (08:30 – 13:00) Liv Marte and I (Marte) met in Dronesonen at around 8:30 in the morning to review our work on our part of the project and our plans for the remainder of the week. Since I don’t work well in dronesonen, I spent the majority of my […]

  • Auto21 – Post 5

    Date 21 Sep 2022 Two 3.5mm plywood plate was laser cut and bonded together to achieve the desired thickness of the base plate, the baseplate is kept in a hydraulic press between 2 solid plates of aluminum at 1 metric ton during the glue curing time to make sure is as flat as possible. Shaft […]