Category: Thomas the Tank

  • Group 7 Week 13-14

    Final 2 weeks Mechanical: Adithya:  The first week I printed out the necessary parts to assemble the body of the main body of the tank, including the side panels. This allowed to begin assembling the body of the final product as shown below. I am satisfied with how it looks as it resembles a tank […]

  • Group 7 – Week 12

    Mechanical  Adithya:  Until this week I have worked on the suspension assembly and the main body as two different entities. This week I began setting the sub-assemblies together to get a finished product. This involved adding holes for screws to attach the real-life product, checking clearances between the parts coming in contact, checking if there […]

  • Group 7 – Week 11

    Week 11 Mechanical: Adithya:  This week we finished the main body and attached the sub systems to it. The final design is looking more or less finished. This week I will be working on adding holes for screws, sensors and wheels so that we can begin laser cutting some final parts for the tank. The […]

  • Group 7 – Week 10

    Week 10 Mechanical: Jonas Decided against using cog-wheels for the upwards and downwards movement of the cannon. There’s no reason to over complicate it when i could just attach the stepper motor itself to the cannon by mounting it sideways. Acquired a basic laser pointer which will act as the indicator for where the “shots” […]

  • Group 7 – Week 9

    Week 9 Mechanical  Jonas: After deciding to go for the laser as our “firing mechanism” i designed a simple cog-wheel system to control the upwards motion of the cannon, and the sideways rotation of the tower. Needing only 2 stepper motors, there is a lot more room than what we initially thought, and so we […]

  • Group 7 – Week 8

    Week 8 Mechanical Adithya:  Since we have finished the design for the suspension, our priority now is to make sure the 3D printed parts fit into each other and into the laser cut parts. After 2 rounds of printing and testing it was shown that without any clearance two parts which work together in Solidworks […]

  • Group 7 – Week 7

    Mechanical  Adithya Arun: This weeks focus was still on the suspension sub assembly. We have completed the design for the suspension, track, wheels and side panels which cover the sub system. This design allows for a modular system where the entire sub assembly can be detached from the main body for adjustments or repairs. This […]

  • Group 7 – Week 6

    Week 6 Mechanical  This week started with 3D printing and testing a component in the suspension. This was required as we have to make sure the springs we have fit the design. After testing, we see that we have to adjust some dimensions as the model was slightly too large for the springs. After readjusting […]

  • Group 7 – Week 5

    Week 5 Mechanical We started off this week by dividing the workload into two. One worked on remodelling the tank in a way which can be laser cut as we were not satisfied with our initial design. This model will be used as a base for making the composite version.The other worked with altering and […]

  • Group 7 – Week 4

    Computer   This week we are going to test the manual control system of the tank. The purpose of this test, is to understand the behavior of the tank and to make sure that the manual control system works along with the components. Since, this is a tank and not a car, we also need […]