Group 7 – Week 8

Week 8



Since we have finished the design for the suspension, our priority now is to make sure the 3D printed parts fit into each other and into the laser cut parts. After 2 rounds of printing and testing it was shown that without any clearance two parts which work together in Solidworks do not work together when printed. My main priority this week was to sit and try to figure out what clearances we need for parts to fit into each other. This was done by printing out more models. 

Image: Shows what a 1mm clearance looks like



This week I have worked with face detection and how we can use it in our project. A face detection is a computer technology that can identify human faces in a digital image and using algorithms that determines whether images are positive or negative. The algorithms must be trained on a database where it contains face images and non-face images. For a simple face detection, the process can be done as follows: First we take an image as input then we are creating a cascade classifier and it will contain the features of the face. Since we are using OpenCV in our project I will stick to it and OpenCV will read the image and the features file (haarcascade…xml). The OpenCV converting the image into a Numpy array after reading the image and searching for the row and column values of the face in other words looking for the face coordinates.  After founding the coordinates of the face drawing a rectangle around it and displaying the image on a window. 

Face detection of Sophia by using OpenCV

As I mentioned before in the previous week (week 7), our goal is to complete the work (Basic Autonomous Maneuvering ) with our prototype for our TANK, and hopefully we get the time to make some improvements on our prototype before the end of this week.  


The Sonar is still 50% done, because of other priorities. Main priority right now, is to make the backup of openCV on the second raspberry pi that has been done all the way from day one by Rahmat and me. We have used most of the time this week to complete the prototype and make it movable. 


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