Group 7 – Week 12



Until this week I have worked on the suspension assembly and the main body as two different entities. This week I began setting the sub-assemblies together to get a finished product. This involved adding holes for screws to attach the real-life product, checking clearances between the parts coming in contact, checking if there is space for the belt and getting parts ready for the final 3D printing test. However, to 3D print I have to make a number of changes to various parts as clearance was still not perfect after the last test and using feedback, I received last week I have I believe the overall suspension assembly can be printed out within the next few days and assembly can begin. The design allows for the suspension assemblies to be detached from the main body which allows for easy repair and maintenance if something goes wrong.

After speaking to Kåre I believe we can finish casting the carbon fibre shell this Friday. The plan is to have 3 separate pieces which will then be screwed together to get the complete model, to still allow for easy maintenance. Once we have the final model in hand, we will see any small design flaws which we have to change and if everything goes to plan we should have time to do so before the deadline. For next week I plan to make a belt and add it to the finished product. 


Finished the cannon for the tower and the only thing remaining is to 3d print and laser cut some parts in order to start assembling the whole subsystem. For the design`s sake i might make some sort of tube out going out from the box containing the laser, in order to make it look more like a cannon. If there is no way to make the laser fire using a controller i will design something to hold the trigger down. This will of course mean that the laser will always be on, but the battery life is quite long anyways so it should not be a problem.

Computer and electrical department 


This week I have finished the music section for our project, where the tank has to play a specific song while driving. This part is done with raspberry pi 3. I first started doing this with raspberry pi 2, but figured out that the pi doesn’t have integrated bluetooth. Since I don’t have bluetooth adapter module, I switched over to raspberry pi 3. Pi 3 has bluetooth integrated, so there is no need for an external adapter module. I have created a Python script that will play the song when the script starts running. I have used pygame library. The plan is to combine this script with the main script of the tank, so it will start playing the song by itself. The speaker is a bluetooth speaker by the brand “Swiss Peak”. It is a small sized speaker, which plays very loud. GitHub link to script:


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