Group 7 – Week 10

Week 10



Decided against using cog-wheels for the upwards and downwards movement of the cannon. There’s no reason to over complicate it when i could just attach the stepper motor itself to the cannon by mounting it sideways. Acquired a basic laser pointer which will act as the indicator for where the “shots” will hit, and I am currently working on finishing up the housing for it.

Adithya Arun:

Making 3D printed parts compatible turned out to be more difficult than predicted. However, I believe the entire suspension sub assembly is ready to be printed and assembled. Over the past 2 weeks I have printed out a few different versions of parts in the assembly with different clearances and believe I have enough clearance between them for them to fit properly. Now we can assemble the sub system and conduct proper testing on the springs. 

Once we finish the design for the main body, we can attach it to the suspension assembly and our product will look completed on the outside. For the next week we will add mounts for the components and try to optimize space inside. 


Jens, Rahmat and Kirisan:

Started to build the new prototype with the right components we needed. The prototype is now moving, but still need a lot of adjustments. First priority is to make the wheels on the right side synchronized, and the same on the left side. The autonomous part has become a huge success now, but need more adjustments and testing. We have also done other works like testing the current code, adjusting it accordingly and mapping out where to place the internal electronic and microcomputer parts on the tank.

Video of the new prototype:


This week I have created a list of components we are using in our project. The purpose of the list is to show how many units of components we are using and what the total weight will be. The list is not fixed, which means we will do changes throughout the testing process. Some components doesn’t weight so much that they make differences, so some of them has been not specified in the weight section. Some of the components isn’t easy to find the accurate weight. Sometimes it may be difficult to find back the the right component, so I have included a “type/model” section which specifies each components. These components are in use in our new prototype. As we can see in the table below, I have also included a section named “quantity” to show how many of each components we are using. 


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