Group 7 – Week 11

Week 11



This week we finished the main body and attached the sub systems to it. The final design is looking more or less finished. This week I will be working on adding holes for screws, sensors and wheels so that we can begin laser cutting some final parts for the tank. The suspension should have enough clearance after the testing. Assembling the suspension may take some time as a decent amount of 3D printed parts are needed. 



This week I have worked on the logo for our project. The plan is to engrave the logo into the tank’s body, so it can be identified as our’s. I have also worked with the backup version of openCV on raspberry pi, where we have direct access to GitHub. There is one more additional thing I have started on, which I will say is a C requirement. We have planned that the raspberry pi is going to play a specific song while driving. The plan was to play this song over a bluetooth speaker which is connected to a phone. But this will be too simple, so I decided to make this happened from the raspberry pi. The plan is to let the raspberry pi connect to a speaker which is inside the tank, and play that specific song. This means that nobody needs to play the song manually. Everything is pushed to GitHub(private).


This week I have worked with target coordination in OpenCV and how to send this coordinate to servo motors and what angels the x axis and the y axis must move to aim and fire on the target. Since the height of every person are different and to targeting 100 percent the heart is very difficult with these cheap components we are using. Further I’m using the height and width of the person’s face to aim the heart. This simple math equation helps us to coordinate the heart. 

The video will show the face recognition, the aim target and detecting upper body and motion.

Furthermore, I have worked with autonomous part where I assembled our first prototype and tested the software on that and see how the system will behave in real. The system worked fine but we still need to do some adjustment on that.

Running our second test on our autonomous tank


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