Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 3

    Date: 05.09.2019 – 12.09.2019 This week contained a lot of technical research and work that needed to be done in order to progress with the drone development. Last week we discussed which single-board computer we would depend on for the machine learning and after a lot of comparisons, we finally decided to use an Nvidia […]

  • Group 7 – Week 3

    Mechanical Our main focus for this week was to conduct research on the caterpillar track and the components that follow: The three main components in the track are: The gears that transfer power from the motors to the belt The belt The suspension  Belt We found only pre-dimensioned belts online and this means we have […]

  • Haptix – Week 37

    Virtual meeting at 10:00 AM on Thursday through Microsoft Teams. The group decided to split up into a computer and electro party for this week. The computer students will focus on the setup of a Unity environment for the VR, while also learning how we can take advantage of the software.  The Unity application will be companied with HTC Vive, Leap Motion tracking and the Haptic gloves. Something which will be connected in a later session. But for now, the computer students will have to make a foundation for how we […]

  • Group Project Report week 37

    This week we have worked with the 3D modelling of the system. We used Solid Works for this. This is the first model, but we realized that there will be some changes so we started working on a new and more improved design. The pump motor for prototyping is finished, but it seems that the […]

  • Group Project Report week 36

    Since our group consists of only computer students, we will meet some mechanical and electrical challenges. But for now, we manage it. We have 3d printed one pump. This pump will be used for testing only since the printer we used was a home printer and not accurate enough. Each pump will have an associated […]

  • Project Fetch (05.09 – 12.09) Week 3

    The group has agreed on meeting once a week, on Thursdays. This update summarizes the last week of work and progress. As of right now there are 3 main problems, creating the hardware for the car, research into software solutions, and the design and prototype of a grab mechanism. Hardware The Arduino pre-mounted on the […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 3 (5.09.2019)

    For this Thursday, we had our usual meeting, where each of us recounted to one another what we had accomplished since last time, what issues we encountered, and what we planned to do next. Using Trello, we browsed through the first sprint, discussing the various tasks and their status, making sure we had some idea […]

  • Group 7 – Week 2

    In week 2 we focused more on the project model, which in hindsight we should have done in week 1. We are using Trello as a task management group and plan to work in sprints. Our goal for the next 3 weeks is to have a simple prototype controlled manually using a controller. This is […]

  • Haptix

    The concept of our project is to combine two haptic feedback gloves, together with a VR headset to allow hand movement and touch feedback while doing simulations/games in Unity.  29.08.19  Previous sessions have been spent on possible projects. For example, the group discussed a smart pot for plants, smart closet, gadget backpack, controlling virtual devices […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 2

    Date: 29.08.2019 – 05.09.2019 We had multiple group sessions this week, where we continued the planning and development from last week. One of the first things we did during this sprint was to list down all the system requirements, along with determining our stakeholders and their interaction with our system. This is quite important in […]