
The concept of our project is to combine two haptic feedback gloves, together with a VR headset to allow hand movement and touch feedback while doing simulations/games in Unity. 


Previous sessions have been spent on possible projects. For example, the group discussed a smart pot for plants, smart closet, gadget backpack, controlling virtual devices with gestures, card game machine and real-time display of power consumption in a house. 

After counselling from Steven, we decided on Haptic gloves and VR simulation. On the 29.08.19 we brainstormed about directions, and possibilities for the project with Haptic gloves.  

We’ve spent the day researching different technologies and products we can implement and base our project on. 


Tested a prototype of a similar product to get ideas of how to develop the product, and understanding of the basic requirements, and functions of the product. 

Further specified and developed the project requirements. 

Set up a testing environment allowing hand movement to be read by the HTC Vive camera and translated into unity enabling simple hand movements to move objects and various other applications. Speculating whether a Leap Motion device would be useful to attach to the HTC Vive rather than the built-in camera. 


  • Receive feedback to glove, feedback being vibration 
  • Register movement from hand with Unity VR  
  • Create and implement a VR scene in Unity 
  • Connect glove and VR scene in Unity 
  • Implement simple interaction with glove and objects in Unity 


  • Implement a game or advanced interaction in Unity with VR 
    Such as: 
  • Chess 
  • Rubix cube 
  • Fire a gun using hand movements, vibrating on trigger pull 
  • Ability to paint 
  • Etc. 
  • Add position and movement sensors on the glove  
  • IMU 
  • Add terrain 
  • IR tracing of the gloves 
  • Make a fancy and pretty environment 
  • Add sound/music to the environment 
  • Add GUI 

  • Implement an IRL cube that changes colour with the VR cube 
  • Implement more games and/or interactions in Unity with VR 
  • Make mechanics in Unity for time management and/or points system 
  • Make own models and terrain with modelling software 
  • Vibration motor in the hand palm of the glove 

Group members:

  • Daniel S.
  • Tom Erik Lien
  • Herman Severin Lund Nilsen
  • Even Tyrholm
  • Hans William Bye Nilsen
  • Petter Riiber Elgvin


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