Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 8

    Date: 10.10.2019 – 17.10.2019 This week we have been working on multiple sub-systems in order to progress and achieve as much as possible. We made some mechanical changes to improve the drone design, and we have done a lot of testing to ensure that the components are working as expected. The economical budget has also […]

  • Group 7 – Week 8

    Week 8 Mechanical Adithya:  Since we have finished the design for the suspension, our priority now is to make sure the 3D printed parts fit into each other and into the laser cut parts. After 2 rounds of printing and testing it was shown that without any clearance two parts which work together in Solidworks […]

  • Group 1 – Project Fetch – Week 8 10.10 – 17.10

    This week we have looked at how we’re going to achieve object detection, so that car will be able to recognize its target, both initially before it is thrown and when it goes looking for it. To perform this task we’ll be using the ROS package find_object_2d (which also has a 3d mode, when using […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 7

    Mechanical  This week the mechanical group has made a lot of progress regarding the production of the different parts that needs to be 3D printed. We have made different versions of the same parts to see that they fit and made adjustments thereafter. There is not that much to write about this week since we’ve more or less been creating the same parts this […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 41

    This week has been a slow one. We have not gotton so much progres on the the project. Also after speaking to Dag we have started with documenting why we use the components we use. We are not finished with the documentation so it will come in a later blog post. I have been able […]

  • Haptix Week 41

    Had a meeting in the Cave at the University. The electro students had received their components, so we looked at these together. In addition, we went through the Leap Motion device and the HTC Vive.  Petter:  I’ve finished the rubix system which basically describes how each piece interacts with the pieces around it . I still need to adjust how the pieces interact with each other, as […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 7

    Date: 03.10.2019 – 10.10.2019 We have continued working with hardware this week as well, since we started testing some components last week. We ended the last sprint with some questions and minor setbacks, which we have solved and overcome this week. Last week we encountered some power distribution problems, and after discussing and getting some […]

  • Group 7 – Week 7

    Mechanical  Adithya Arun: This weeks focus was still on the suspension sub assembly. We have completed the design for the suspension, track, wheels and side panels which cover the sub system. This design allows for a modular system where the entire sub assembly can be detached from the main body for adjustments or repairs. This […]

  • Autodrink, week 41

    This week we worked further with the construction of the machine. We 3d printed come test corners which we had improved from last week, and they seemed to be well functioning, so we ordered several corners for printing next week and will be finished before next group meeting. . We have also worked with the […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 6

    Mechanical  This week we have finally got some of the parts that we ordered earlier, so now we can control all the measurements and make a more detailed model in solid works and make test parts and find all the parameters that make them fit with each other. The following parts have arrived this week:  […]