Shallow Blue Week 41

This week has been a slow one. We have not gotton so much progres on the the project. Also after speaking to Dag we have started with documenting why we use the components we use. We are not finished with the documentation so it will come in a later blog post.

I have been able to print out two corner pieces for our railing system. This is to verify that the ball bearings fit. With a little bit of sanding the ball bearing will fit nicely. With the ball bearing we are going to fit aluminium rods as shown in a prievious blog post.

Corner piece

The other thing that has been printed out is a test piece of the pulley system. In the pictture bellow you can see the printed pieces. One piece is going on the shaft of the stepper motor and the other on the aluminium rod. When modeling the pieces I didn’t realise that the modeled design would just work as a screw and make the string jump off after a few windings.

Failed prototype of a string pulley.

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