Category: Shallow Blue

  • Shallow Blue week 48

    github link: The codes for the Project can be found in our Github that is linked under. Sondre Fuhre Orsten and Ole Henrik Eidal Flesaker: This final week we have been trying to clean up code, add features to make the game complete and implementing an UI. The features to make the game complete […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 47

    Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan. We have been working on the candidate list for the chess pieces. Where we are supposed to detect something on the board, and to then later be able to classify each object. Using a T shape algorithm to find the width and height of each object. and then to know […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 46

    Sondre og Ole Henrik With the Asset “Aridty”, and this code in arduino we manage to send simple strings using input from the keyboard, over serialport. Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan. This week removed a lot of dead code, and made changes to some old code to fit the new data types. Made new functions […]

  • Shallow Blue week 45

    Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan This week we were trying to make a new data type for our program. With this new data type we will hopefully be able to see the height and colors of the pieces. This will give us more possibilities to differentiate between pieces and more accurately detect witch pieces we […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 44

    Sondre: Started having a look at communication between Arduino and Unity, in order to have the computer output the coordinates on the chessboard in Unity to the physical board. Osmar: I worked in the movement protocol for the arduino to control both motors, and the interactions with the Manager, and for the motor manager itself […]

  • Shallow Blue week 43

    Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan and Ole Henrik Flesaker. Last week we created the bounding boxes. Without them the camera wouldn’t differentiate between the pixels of each chess piece. We tried to find the center of each array in order to know where to put the box. We are still working on finding the exact […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 42

    This week we have continued on the code for the recognition for the pieces. We have been able to recognize a pawn. Also continued the work on making a chess game to be used with the interface for the system. We have also continued on printing and testing that the pieces for the railing system […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 41

    This week has been a slow one. We have not gotton so much progres on the the project. Also after speaking to Dag we have started with documenting why we use the components we use. We are not finished with the documentation so it will come in a later blog post. I have been able […]

  • Shallow Blue week 40

    This week our group has started using the Github side that we created last week. The computer students has continued the work on tracking and recognizing the pieces and creating a chess game in unity that can later be used as an interface between the camera and the motion. During this week we have also […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 39

    During this week our group has continued working on our task. The computer students are continuing their work with recognizing the pieces and looking at how to implement a chess engine in unity. The electrical students have worked with testing the electromagnet and continued modeling our system. We have also created a Github where we […]