Autodrink, week 41

This week we worked further with the construction of the machine. We 3d printed come test corners which we had improved from last week, and they seemed to be well functioning, so we ordered several corners for printing next week and will be finished before next group meeting.


We have also worked with the 3d modelling of the trolley and it will be printed next week as well.

The trolley will be pulled by a stepper motor, and the programming for some of the functions for controlling the trolley are under development. We have decided that the distance for the trolley will most likely be measured by a ultrasonic sensor, and there will be a 3d scanning of the glass to recognize volume. This is under development.

We have also encountered some obstacles. The bearings for the pump, which we ordered several weeks ago, have disappeared in the postal service. We really need them, but in Norway they are really expensive, so we had to order new ones from abroad. Hoping they will arrive early next week. 


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