Category: Autodrink

  • AutoDrink, week 46-48

    In theese two weeks we mounted the construction and the pumps. It is almost ready. To mount the pumps to the construction, we used velcrotape. We calibrated the pumps so we have exact time for each unit drink. All the powercables and singnalcables were installed and signalcables soldered to the motors. The rest of the […]

  • AutoDrink, week 45

    This week we finally got the lidar for the positioning of the trolley, but after some discussion with Steven, we ended up with the first idea we had, counting steps. The stepper motor is so accurate, and since the gear mounted on the motor fits perfectly with the power delivery belt, the easiest solution is […]

  • AutoDrink, week 44

    We are in need of more sensores, both lidar and ultrasonic sensors. Two of the ultrasonic sensors we had were broken, and then we had to reorder our resources. Hopefully we will get some new ones next week. But for now the 3D scanning of volume and the positioning system of the trolley is on […]

  • AutoDrink, week 42

    Since last time we have constructed, printed and built the frame of the drinking system. . . The trolley is also printed and mounted on the rod. Inside the trolley there are four wheels that will fit the slots in the rod and make sure that the trolley will remain in the right position while […]

  • Autodrink, week 43

    This week we have worked with much of the same as last week.  The new thing is that the motor which will control the pump is working, but we have to make a new 3D model of the pump before we can test the it. The trolley, which is mounted on the rod, was a […]

  • Autodrink, week 41

    This week we worked further with the construction of the machine. We 3d printed come test corners which we had improved from last week, and they seemed to be well functioning, so we ordered several corners for printing next week and will be finished before next group meeting. . We have also worked with the […]

  • Autodrink, week 40

    This week we have improved on some of the ideas from last week. We changed the joints of the construction to improve the structure. We improved the object recognition from last week. We are going to use a camera together with ultrasound to determine the volume of the glass . We also have received some […]

  • Autodrink, week 38 and 39

    Report from last week is joined together with this week’s report since the website was down. Most of the time has been spent waiting for parts to arrive. New parts were ordered this week to account for the changes in the design. Some time was spent fixing the design of the pump motors. Using softer […]

  • Group Project Report week 37

    This week we have worked with the 3D modelling of the system. We used Solid Works for this. This is the first model, but we realized that there will be some changes so we started working on a new and more improved design. The pump motor for prototyping is finished, but it seems that the […]

  • Group Project Report week 36

    Since our group consists of only computer students, we will meet some mechanical and electrical challenges. But for now, we manage it. We have 3d printed one pump. This pump will be used for testing only since the printer we used was a home printer and not accurate enough. Each pump will have an associated […]