Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 11

    Date: 31.10.2019 – 07.11.2019 While waiting for the Raspberry Pi 4 to arrive, we started setting up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ board that we had laying around from before. We flashed it with an operating system and installed all dependencies for the system. We hit a snag when we found out that there was no […]

  • Haptix week 47

    Petter: Because of my issues with the input system I went and talked to Steven about possible solutions, he ended up giving me new ideas and perspectives.  I ended up redoing the cube completely because of this and after 3 days compared to four weeks of work, I have a working prototype, which is frankly better in all ways compared to the old one. For a rough outline on how my thought process went:   First, Steven and I categorised the options:  […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 12

    Integration  This week, similarly to the week before, the entire group has worked together to integrate the various subsystems into a single system. The electro students have made progress on the wiring of the system, having begun soldering connections to the various components, the mechanical student have been printing parts on-demand as the other disciplines need them […]

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 12 7.11 – 14.11

    During the last week we came to the realization that each raspi can only support one camera unit. There was a solution for how to enable both multiplexers on the pi to support cameras but that would require us to do a lot of low level hacking. So we decided to go with the easier […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 46

    Sondre og Ole Henrik With the Asset “Aridty”, and this code in arduino we manage to send simple strings using input from the keyboard, over serialport. Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan. This week removed a lot of dead code, and made changes to some old code to fit the new data types. Made new functions […]

  • Group 7 – Week 12

    Mechanical  Adithya:  Until this week I have worked on the suspension assembly and the main body as two different entities. This week I began setting the sub-assemblies together to get a finished product. This involved adding holes for screws to attach the real-life product, checking clearances between the parts coming in contact, checking if there […]

  • Haptix week 46

    Petter: I’m continuing the work on the input system of the cube. It was more comprehensive than anticipated so I have spent my time, discussing and trying out different options as well as gathering info from more experienced users of unity.  William:  I have done research on how to implement a scoreboard from Unity to a database. Also been working on the scoreboard in Unity, I have an idea how I want it to be implementet and lookwise. We had a meeting on thursday where I had futher discussions with Even.  Herman & Tom Erik: We’ve been discussing the specifics of the physical design elements and obtain all necessary tools. Work is still being done on refining the sensory circuitry of the system.  This week […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 11

    Machine  This week we have been working with integration of every sub-system to the actual system. This means that a lot of the work has been done by all of us together across the different disciplines, as you can see from the picture below.  This has resulted in us needing to adjust all the components so […]

  • AutoDrink, week 45

    This week we finally got the lidar for the positioning of the trolley, but after some discussion with Steven, we ended up with the first idea we had, counting steps. The stepper motor is so accurate, and since the gear mounted on the motor fits perfectly with the power delivery belt, the easiest solution is […]

  • Shallow Blue week 45

    Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan This week we were trying to make a new data type for our program. With this new data type we will hopefully be able to see the height and colors of the pieces. This will give us more possibilities to differentiate between pieces and more accurately detect witch pieces we […]