Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 12 7.11 – 14.11

During the last week we came to the realization that each raspi can only support one camera unit. There was a solution for how to enable both multiplexers on the pi to support cameras but that would require us to do a lot of low level hacking. So we decided to go with the easier option of using two pi’s streaming the camera feed to each other. This is something ros is designed to do from the get go so achieving this will hopefully not be too hard and achievable in the short timeframe we have left.

Further we worked on the car some more finalizing its design and adding support for two pis plus power banks to power them. We created a second layer to store the pi’s. For now we are putting the control ros package on hold until we have setup the camera node. We did this because it became a huge time sink with no end in sight with problem after problem getting pigpio library to work.

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