Category: Autonomous Target Tracking Drone

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 13 and 14 14.11 – 21.11, 22.11 – 03.12

    Week 13 After our realisation that the Raspberry Pi only supports a single camera, we went ahead and got ahold of another Raspberry Pi and connected them with an ethernet cable. Setting up network between them and some ROS settings allowed the ROS on each of the Pi’s to communicate with each other. We have […]

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 12 7.11 – 14.11

    During the last week we came to the realization that each raspi can only support one camera unit. There was a solution for how to enable both multiplexers on the pi to support cameras but that would require us to do a lot of low level hacking. So we decided to go with the easier […]

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 11 1.11 – 11.11

    We have finally gotten our camera, which makes us able to proceed with the camera ROS programming and making the frame for camera. The site where we bought the camera did not have specifications for how far it was between the screws on the camera and neither the size of the lens, this meant that […]

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 10 25.10 – 31.10

    This week, we have spent most of our time learning and struggling with CMake. CMake is a tool for managing the build process of software (mainly in C and C++, but later versions support other languages such as C# for example), with the primary benefit being that it produces buildfiles for multiple buildsystems so the […]

  • Group 1 -Project Fetch- Week 9 18.10 – 25.10

    This week we have continued working on understanding the rtabmap package we’re using, looking at the data it provides on its topics with rviz. Cameras have still not yet arrived (as was mentioned last week they were lost in shipping and had to be reordered) so tasks such as configuring the cameras and working on […]

  • Group 1 – Project Fetch – Week 8 10.10 – 17.10

    This week we have looked at how we’re going to achieve object detection, so that car will be able to recognize its target, both initially before it is thrown and when it goes looking for it. To perform this task we’ll be using the ROS package find_object_2d (which also has a 3d mode, when using […]

  • Project Fetch (03.10-10.10) Week 7

      This week we have looked into how to integrate ROS with the raspberry pi and all the other components of our system. We started setting up a virtual machine with ubuntu and ROS installed. Then we use catkin python tools to build the workspace and create our own package with some simple dependencies. When […]

  • Porject fetch (26.09-03.10) Week 6

    After having some trouble with our Raspberry Pi 3 Model 3+, we finally got it up and running Ubuntu MATE. Subsequently, we also got it running ROS Melodic Melodia, which is the latest release of ROS primarily targeted at Ubuntu. We installed and got the rtabmap_ros package running as well, but as we do not […]

  • Project Fetch (20.09-26.09) Week 5

    This week has been a slow one. The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ was overheating frequently and failed to detect the SD-card in it. Afterward, it would frequently reboot unexpectedly when we were trying to certain things. So after spending some time troubleshooting and trying to work past the problem we had to give up, […]

  • Project Fetch (12.09-19.09) Week 4

    Hardware This week was mostly spent waiting for the raspberry pi to finish various tasks such as installing dependencies and building software. We were not able to do much progress on the programming because when the pi is working we cannot do anything else on it. And the building process usually takes hours. The long […]