Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 10 25.10 – 31.10

This week, we have spent most of our time learning and struggling with CMake. CMake is a tool for managing the build process of software (mainly in C and C++, but later versions support other languages such as C# for example), with the primary benefit being that it produces buildfiles for multiple buildsystems so the software can be cross-platform both in regards of OS and build system. For example it can produce buildsystems for Visual Studio solutions, and Eclipse. It works by having a CMakeLists.txt file in your folder telling CMake how to deal with your source files and targets. Catkin, the build tool that comes with ROS, uses CMake.

We have still not received the camera, although we have made a frame that the camera should fit on. At first, we made a simple sketch and followed that up with the physical model. As shown in the image above we used lego Mindstorms. 

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