Category: Uncategorized

  • Autonomous Car – Week 8

    Abdiqani  I have kind of got stuck trying to fix the car turning using sensor, so instead of wasting time getting stuck I decided to work with the pathfinding algorithm. To understand the pathfinding algorithm, I have used a couple of videos as a reference, the first one is a YouTube video about the different […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 8

    Welcome back, this week has been more testing and debugging. We all have together assembled new floor. Here is some pictures and videos from last week: Waterflow Testing waterflow and water circulation while looking for bugs in Master controller, GUI, Nodes, and physical structure for water leakage. Plant mover Aditi testing her code for calibrating […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 8

    Group weekly reports Ilir Bylykbashi Summary:  The past week has been exceptionally busy for me due to a flurry of activities tied to my bachelor’s project. I’ve been deeply engaged in meetings with my bachelor’s group and various companies to deliberate the project’s intricacies. During this period, I dedicated my efforts to delving into the […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 7

    Christopher Daffinrud This week my main area of work was primarily focused around two tasks. Turret Rotation Towards Detected Object: The first task is the connection and calculation between the Stepper Motors used for rotation and the camera used for object detection. Based on our model for detecting objects we can extract the coordinates for […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 7

    This week, we’ve been busy testing and fine-tuning our dynamic system. Our motivation is (maybe) at an all-time high as we’ve successfully tackled challenges and made significant strides. Highlights include GUI enhancements, a user-friendly testing node, and progress on the plant mover logic. We’ve even dealt with unexpected hiccups, like MQTT library quirks and mechanical […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros – Week 7

    What’s up readers, mid-term presentations are over, so let’s get right into the news this week. Jonathan ​ PRESENTATION IS DONE, WE MAY NOW FOCUS ON DOING THE ​ WORK ​ I’m still working on a localization feature of the micromouse, and there are quite a few problems to overcome: Mats ​ Adding shared logging […]

  • Autonomous Car – Week 7

    Abdiqani:  Unfortunately, I have been sick this past week and still am, I have not managed to do all the tasks I had planned. Nonetheless, I have been working on fixing the car’s sensor system and addressing some crucial issues in the control scheme.  I had Initially implemented physics-based controls for acceleration, deceleration, and braking […]

  • Group 4 – Week 7

    Hi Dronesonen! 😊 This week we have conducted the following efforts: Discipline – Software: Erik-Andre Hegna: This week was spent on researching/discussing how the micromouse will know and keep track of its position inside the maze. We want it to understand that it is moving from a 16×16 cm cell and into another 16×16 cm […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 7

    Group weekly reports Ilir Bylykbashi Summary:  This week, we had a presentation on Monday that took several hours. Due to the presentation, I didn’t have the opportunity to work further on the project that day. Throughout the week, my focus has been on establishing radio communication between two micro:bit units. Currently, we have two micro:bits, […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 6

    Lets tune in to Turret Syndrome this week and take a look at some of the progress our group has achieved this week! Mats Bergum Unfortunately, at the start of the week, we found new information about the motor controller and Raspberry Pi, making the PCB I and Harld designed insufficient. Also, we found that […]