Category: Uncategorized

  • Autonomous car – Week 12

    Abdiqani:  This week I have tried to integrate the communication into Alinur’s car, I first had to wait until the car was driving and then I tried to implement a little snippet that would send data when the car moves forward or backward. The problem I encountered was that he used Bluetooth while I had […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros – Week 12

    A new week is upon us… ​ Deeper into the code void we go…​ ​ Jonathan ​ This week I’m finally hopeful that we will successfully complete the micromouse challenge. As of tuesday, our mouse can: Here’s a video showcasing the first two points: These are nice progressions in our project, but some things still […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 12

    Ilir Bylykbashi Summary:  This week, our primary focus has been troubleshooting the robot due to numerous errors with the motor driver. Initially, it appeared that the motor driver in use was faulty, prompting us to replace it with a new one. However, even after the replacement, we encountered the same issues, posing a significant challenge. […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 11

    Christopher Daffinrud On Monday when testing our system as a whole together with our software we encountered some issues when calling the motors for rotating the Turret. The turret rotated both clockwise and counterclockwise based on where the Detection Model detected our object, but the rotation in itself was “laggy”, giving us a feeling that […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous (Raport Maskin for fill in)

  • Group 4 – Week 11

    Hi Dronesonen! 😊 Last week we conducted the following efforts: Discipline – Software: Erik-Andre Hegna: I do not have much to add this week. Most of this week was spent on discussing and planning the logic of the mouse. Lots of theoretical progress, but little to show for yet. Ask will comment on the details. […]

  • Group 1 – Week 11

    Andreas This week has been spent tinkering with the filer function we made so that we could change the filter type, coefficients and order without having to change any code other than some variables. This makes tinkering with the filter to find the one that suits us best is very easy to achieve. On Friday, […]

  • Autonomous Car – Week 11

    Late submission, forgot about it but here it is Abdiqani:  This week I have been working on the integration of the car and unity. For most part of the week, I have tried installing a Bluetooth plugin that would allow me to use Bluetooth to send data between the car and unity like this one.  […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 11

    Shahin Ostadahmadi This week, I have been testing different parts of the system with the group, fixing issues, implementing new changes, and repeatedly testing the system. I also implemented some additional code for nutrition regulation. Furthermore, I have set up the nutrition station and connected pipes according to the design I made last week (I […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros – Week 11

    Do you ever feel like you’re trapped in the endless problems that arise during system integration, desperately seeking a way to get everything working? ​ ​ Well, buckle up because today, we’re diving deep into the endless abyss of integrating subsystems in the real-world. ​​ Jonathan ​ Today I’ve realized the minima and maxima methods […]