Category: Uncategorized

  • Sprint 9

    Maskin(Simen): Got to see the 3d prints in action. Found that the bevel gears were not equal to their 3d designed size and didn’t reach each other to connect and spin. I did manage to solve the issue of the missing hub for the stepper motor, although due to size differences from 3d to real […]

  • 29.10.20

    Det ble igjen testet om aquariet var tett, noe det igjen ikke var. Det ble derfor fylt på mer silikon, men denne gangen på innsiden av aquariet. Inge begynte denne dagen å lage vasketårnene til vaskesystemet. Disse ble kuttet ut i kryssfiner. Han 3D-printet også ut komponenter til det samme. Fredrik forsøkte å se om […]

  • Seventh sprint – Puck Buddies

    This seventh sprint was a bit of a longer one as we have had other subjects we needed to focus on. The following blogpost will therefor include the progress we had the last 1.5 weeks. Anders This week I have finalized our control application for windows, I ended up creating a Windows Presentation Foundation application […]

  • Group 2: Card playing robot – Sprint 8

    16.10.20-23.10.20 Maskin(Simen): Due to the larger than expected force needed to move the load, we found we needed more than a simple servo as a motor, at least for the base, so we found a stepper motor. While in theory barely providing the Torque needed, we met an unwarranted problem regarding the use of a […]

  • 22.10.20

    Det ble igjen testet om aquariet var tett, noe det igjen ikke var. Det ble derfor fylt på mer silikon, men denne gangen på utsiden av aquariet. Etter silikonpåfyllingen avgjorde Fredrik og Gustav helt spesifikt hvilke sensorer som vi skulle bruke i aquariet og bestilte disse. Det var en PH-sensor, en vannstandssensor og temperatursensor. Vi […]

  • 15.10.20

    Fordi silikonet skulle bruke 7 dager på å tørke ble det denne dagen testet om aquariet var tett. En test aquariet ikke bestod. Aquariet ble derfor tørket og vi sprøytet på med mer silikon der det var lekk. Silikonet ble sprøytet på innsiden nederst av aquariet.

  • Sixth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute We finally got the technical drawings, with physical dimensions, for the stepper-motor this week. So, I made a model of the stepper and put it in the assembly. Did also make the gear to connect the stepper to the glider ring.   I also worked some more on assembly-blocks for the frame. The plan is to 3D-print the blocks so the physical assembly will become easier because we won’t need […]

  • Group 2: Card playing robot – Sprint 7

    02.10.20-09.10.20 During our meeting this week we revisited the requirements we had set in week 2, they know look like this A: The system should shuffle cards The system should hand out cards to each player The system should identify cards via image recognition The system should make calculated decisions based on dealt cards Can […]

  • 08.10.20

    Dette var dagen for å sette sammen aquariet. Det ble funnet ut, med hjelp av Richard at det burde fungere fint med en pleksiglassplate i bunn av aquariet. Det ble foreslått å bruke en treramme for å holde de forskjellige glassplatene på plass, Inge og Alison dro for å ordne med skruer og materialer og […]

  • Fifth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Anders This week there has been no work on this project from my side, due to my hospitalization as mentioned in the previous blog post. Anyhow, stay tuned as the others most certainly have something to show off!  Halvard I have mostly worked on producing parts and testing them so that we will have some […]