Category: Uncategorized

  • Group 2 – Week 5

    Computer Vision – Week 5: Wednesday (08:30 – 13:00) Liv Marte and I (Marte) met in Dronesonen at around 8:30 in the morning to review our work on our part of the project and our plans for the remainder of the week. Since I don’t work well in dronesonen, I spent the majority of my […]

  • Auto21 – Post 5

    Date 21 Sep 2022 Two 3.5mm plywood plate was laser cut and bonded together to achieve the desired thickness of the base plate, the baseplate is kept in a hydraulic press between 2 solid plates of aluminum at 1 metric ton during the glue curing time to make sure is as flat as possible. Shaft […]

  • Smart Electric Measurement system:

    Although we’d had a slow start, thinking of different projects we could do as 4 computer engineering students; it  finally ended up on a tossup between a complex door control system and a smart electricity measurement system for a household. We went for the latter, and have finally started to make some headway.  The system […]

  • Week 5: – Delegating tasks

    Group 1 We started delegating tasks as computer engineers. Each member started working on their own part of the system. Creating code for grabber After our mechanical engineers had made their beta claw grabber it was time to create the code for servo motor. To make life easy and check that everything was working I […]

  • Auto21 – Post 3

    This week we started to make a list for all the required parts and components for our project, as well as working on a technical drawing. We figured this was crucial to do early, making sure we get the parts that needs to be ordered in time. We also started to look for motors and […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 4 (12.09 – 18.09)

    In week 4 we wired electrical connections for the prototype with the photoresistors and blue LEDs for the detection of the coins.We tested which values we have with and without the LED and came to the decision that we will create the gameboard with LEDs to detect the coins.The prototype worked well and we can […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 4 (12.09 – 18.09)

    Hei bloggen! In this weeks group work we continued developing the robot arm and working more with the computer and electrical aspects. We splitted us into smaller groups and work on some different things. Kristoffer and Adrian worked on getting two bluetooth modules be able to communicate to each other so that we possibly could […]

  • Group 2 – Week 4

    Computer Science This week we found a chess algorithm we could use which fitted our purpose since it already prints the coordinates for the moves that the machine will be executing. We are currently figuring out how to read and write out these coordinates to a file, which will be transferred to our Arduino board, […]

  • Auto21 – Post 4

    This week we set up the raspberry pi, installed the needed software and got the camera working. We started using the OpenCV library to modify the pictures by changing hue, saturation and brightness isolating the playing card numbers which we want to recognize. With this we should be able to compare these pictures with sample […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 3 (05.09 – 11.09)

    Hei bloggen! We started our day by going through the Arduino kit which we got from the university in the first semester of the first year, trying to look for parts which we could use. Sure enough we found servo motors and also a Bluetooth module. We figured this Bluetooth module could prove to be […]