Category: Uncategorized

  • Week: 9 – Setting up the rail system

    Computer engineers This week was a happy week for all of us. Not only for our group but all the groups at least we think. The reason for that is that we have received our ordered items from AliExpress. Since we already have tested the code together with the items as a whole system we […]

  • Week: 8 Storing items and exams

    These few weeks has been a lot of struggle since some group members were having exam. Therefore we could not all meet up and keep up the same pace. Therefore we have been mostly working for our self. Some of us have been meeting up when we could since there is always some issues that […]

  • Week: 7 – Amalgamate tasks together

    Computer engineers Fixing issues with moving files to different folder We decided to move the controller related files into it’s own directory. This caused alot of error since the Arduino compiler could not recognize our files in this new folder. We used a few hours to fix this issue. While looking further into to problem […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 9 (17.10 – 23.10)

    Software part:As wrote last week, we want to start the game in an own new process as soon as a button, the start button gets pressed. Advantages: Easily kill game process when button is pressed again for stopping the game – at every time! It doesn’t matter in which state the algorithm is, it will […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 8 (10.10 – 16.10)

    Hei bloggen! In this week we worked to ‘finalize’ a product so we can try it together. For the arm we are just waiting for some parts that was ordered which I believe we will get in the next week. If we get the parts next week, we can assemble the arm fully and see […]

  • Auto21 – Post 9

    This week we picked up where we left of from last week. The image recognition is on track, and we started try to simulate the environment in the machine. We had to readjust the image center to get the correct contours, this was challenging as the walls of the card box was too low. For […]

  • Auto21 – Post 8

    12.10.2022 This week everyone work on what they worked on previously. Lord Wintersoul started working on programming the actual game logic he added place holder function for the card identification and added the function to check the value of the different hands, and also functions for player selection when they hit, stand and double down. […]

  • Group 2 – Week 8

    Mechanical Engineering Last week was the fall break, and I only worked a few hours on the design of the robot arm. For this week (week 8) I have been working on the design of the robotic arm and the design of the turn table. As I have mentioned before, I ended up doing some […]

  • Smart Electric Measurement System – 2

    The past 2 weeks have been slow going, due to in part members having to focus on make-up exams.However we have partitioned our work somewhat, we’ve got the ESP32(wifi-enabled chips) up and running and able to transmit data which we’ll later fix up with a current sensor.  Fixed an old wi-fi enabled raspberry pi 3b+ […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 8 (10.10 – 16.10)

    This week, we finally added the algorithm to our connect 4 demo python program. You can now choose difficulties from 0 to 5, where 0 equals random turn and 1 to 5 the parameter of the tree depth of the minmax algorithm. We used the implementation from Keith Galli, he made a good YouTube video […]