Autonomous Car – Week 5


This week i have been focused on coding the self-driving car simulation in Unity. I have been developing the car’s algorithm to randomly drive within the terrain, researching ways to effectively implement sensors, and fine-tuning the car’s behavior to navigate autonomously within the environment. 

Here is a snippet of the simulation and the code using random values to decide the steering and acceleration and clamp to make the car stay within the specified range. The plan for the weeks ahead is to add sensors and test them. 

The plan for the week ahead is to add sensors and test them. 


This week I have been working on the content view of the app like the buttons side to control the acceleration of the car. These buttons will help us in moving the car in all direction with left, right, back, forward buttons and the start and stop buttons. once I completely the content view of the app I will start building the software to command the functionality of the buttons. Below is a sample of view of the code that I am implementing on the content view. 


I have been coding the self-driving car’s hardware and software integration.  

There are three main categories that I have been working on lately, such as implementing sense, think and act the core source for the system. Mostly I used class to construct and define what the system should do. All these codes are not done yet. 


And meanwhile I search on how to send and receive feedback from the simulation. This includes working on the car’s physical components, such as sensors and actuators, and ensuring they interact effectively with the software Abdiqani has developed in Unity.  


I have been primarily focused this week on preparing for the presentation that will showcase our project’s progress and findings. I also worked with Ali Nuur on the content view of the app. Ali Nuur mentioned the details of our work above. 

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