Tag: Puck Buddies

  • Thirteenth and final sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute This is the final design that we landed on. There has been a lot of work put down in the process to get where we are now. A tremendous amount of hours in solidworks and many iterations on each part pays of when it comes to the end product. I have based the design […]

  • Eleventh & twelfth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Due to extreme rush to finish another exam last week I forgot to post to the blog. As such there is content for the two last weeks in this blog post. Gaute Week 48 Have been pretty busy with other exams this week so I haven’t done much on the model, but I have 3D […]

  • Tenth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute This week I shifted the focus over to the 3D-printing process. We have quite a lot of parts that’s supposed to be 3D-printet so It’s nice to have a system to keep track on what’s been printed. Therefor I made a list over the parts that’s going to be printed and posted it on our Microsoft Teams channel so that both I […]

  • Ninth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute 3D printed some of the assembly-blocks so I could verify that the measurements were correct, and they fitted perfectly. So for the coming week we can start printing full scale.  Halvard This week I have mostly been slicing and 3d- printing parts for the machine. This work is mostly passive work since most of the time is spent on the actual […]

  • Seventh sprint – Puck Buddies

    This seventh sprint was a bit of a longer one as we have had other subjects we needed to focus on. The following blogpost will therefor include the progress we had the last 1.5 weeks. Anders This week I have finalized our control application for windows, I ended up creating a Windows Presentation Foundation application […]

  • Sixth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute We finally got the technical drawings, with physical dimensions, for the stepper-motor this week. So, I made a model of the stepper and put it in the assembly. Did also make the gear to connect the stepper to the glider ring.   I also worked some more on assembly-blocks for the frame. The plan is to 3D-print the blocks so the physical assembly will become easier because we won’t need […]

  • Third sprint – Puck Buddies

    Nicholas Electrical: All the parts we use to test are subject to change before the final implementation. They do however work in the same logical way so the software should stay more or less the same even if the parts are changed.  Current BOM:  Arduino Uno  Potmeter (50KΩ)  BYJ-48 stepper motor and driver board  Simple button  10KΩ, […]

  • Second sprint – Puck Buddies

    Second sprint – Puck Buddies

    Nicholas; As we started the project, we had a lot of setup to do to ensure a good workflow. We ended up using GitHub as our repository as it’s easy to use and helps us document the work we do. Here is a link to the project git repository if anyone is interested in seeing […]

  • First sprint – Puck Buddies

    Short about us and our project: Our group: We are a group consisting of two machine engineering students and two computer science engineering students currently working on our fifth semester at Krona which is a campus belonging to the University of South-East Norway. Our team consists of: Halvard Løver – Machine Engineer Gaute Nisja Holthe-Berg […]