First sprint – Puck Buddies

Short about us and our project:

Our group:

We are a group consisting of two machine engineering students and two computer science engineering students currently working on our fifth semester at Krona which is a campus belonging to the University of South-East Norway.

Our team consists of:

Halvard Løver – Machine Engineer

Gaute Nisja Holthe-Berg – Machine Engineer

Nicholas Lislien Baekken – Computer Science Engineer

Anders Østerås Hove – Computer Science Engineer

Our project:

Our group decided on a hockey passing machine for our project, and thus we came up with our group name ‘’Puck Buddies’’.

The reason for this project is that for a hockey player to practice one-timers you need to have a least another person with you on the ice. We want to enable a player to practice this on his or her own. The machine must therefore be able to recognize a player and pass the puck accordingly. If you are unsure of what a one-timer is, you can see this:

We are now well under way with the project. However, we have already faced several challenges but are starting to work around them which you will hear more about in the coming blog posts. Two major issues we faced which you will hear more about already later this week is the issue of computational power when deploying image tracking technologies, and several machining issues resulting from our initial wish of accelerating a puck weighing more than 170g to a speed of 150km/h and the constraints that followed.

Our project management methods:

We decided on SCRUM as our framework for developing our system because of the short sprints or iterations, which will enable us to go from an idea to a working model in shorter time, as we continually reevaluate our specs and goals because of our short time to develop. This has proven time and time again to be a priceless quality in a project management framework as less time is spent on solutions that does not work and ideas can be quickly discarded or added upon need.
Further we will use Microsoft Teams for all our documentation, planning and meetings to have it all neatly logged in one place.

We plan on updating you guys once more this week on our progress, and then getting one post about our progress in every Sunday from there on until our project is finalized!

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