Tag: Fenrir

  • Week 50 part 2

    As it is the final day, we think that one final Post is in order The Fenrir Howlizter Cannon is now almost at the stage of completion. We are waiting for some of the pieces to be 3d printed, but our core concept is done, and only need minuscule adjustments to be fully operational. The […]

  • Week 50 part 1

    Summary: We went through some drastic changes, made big progress and are very close to completion #1 Cannon Design Changes, Daniel#2 Projectile calculations, David For many weeks now I have worked on the cannon with a flawed way of approach. The original concept was to make a cannon that could launch different types of projectiles. […]

  • Week 47

    #1 This week we are working on further developing the tension based system.Now that we are closing in on the final weeks, the design is coming along. It will be a dual spring design, where a spring is connected too a new launch-plate The plate will be stabelized by 2 supporting beams which are integrated […]

  • Week 45

    This week we found out that our current system is suboptimal, so we are making some mayor changes. Table of contents:1. compression spring vs tension springs(Daniel) 1. Tension V.S compression springs Now that I have done some testing and prototyping, I have found that compression springs are not at all suited for our project. The […]

  • Week 44

    After a two week famine, we are cracking back at it.Working on dialing our Lidar unit, fine tuning of servos, more 3d-modeling and more.Looking forward to going full throttle again! Table of contents: pulley system Stepper motor Servo motor 1. continuing of the pulley system: I am also considering switching to a gear based retraction […]

  • Week 41

    Table of contents: The mechanics of springs and using them for propulsion(Daniel) Stepper Motor programming for spring loading (David) Simple servo program for writing degrees of rotation (David) #1 The Mechanics of Springs, pulleys and propulsion As it is now decided that we are going to use springs for our propulsion, I belive that some […]

  • week 40

    Table of contents: #1 Modelling progress (Daniel) #2printing(Daniel) #3 Search pattern in the making (David) #1 modeling progress The prototyping and modeling of the cannon is going great.As I am working on printing a physical cannon, so that the other guys can work with something more tangible.Right now I have not figured out the final […]

  • Week 39

    in week 39 we worked with further developing the program that is going to aim the cannon.

  • Week 38

    Daniel This week i am working on establishing a real concept for the launching mechanism. As I mentioned in the intro we saw past using actuators and pressure as propelling forces for the cannon. We therefore as a group decided to use springs. More specifically, compression springs. Evenly spaced, we would use between 4-6 springs […]

  • Arduino Cannon Blog Post – Sensors

    David Dokka (Data) 09.09 The Arduino Cannon is in its early conception and we as a group are figuring out what is required to meet the primary demands of our project. The software requirements can be summed up something like this: 1. The cannon can orient around the X- and Y-axis 2. Can in some […]