Arduino Cannon Blog Post – Sensors

David Dokka (Data) 09.09

The Arduino Cannon is in its early conception and we as a group are figuring out what is required to meet
the primary demands of our project. The software requirements can be summed up something like this:
1. The cannon can orient around the X- and Y-axis
2. Can in some way recognize the position of an object
3. Has some smart/reponsive component that adjusts the cannon

In order to tackle 1. and 3., we need some way of telling exactly where the cannon is pointing, inspired
by a similar projects ( an accelerometer
does this adequetly. Judging from what i could find on arduino compatible accelerometers, the ADXL345
Accelerometer ( does nicely.
More over it also works a gyroscope, which technically isn’t required by our A-demands, but may come in handy
at some other point.


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